八年级英语下册教案:Unit 6 An old man tried to moved the mountains.docVIP

八年级英语下册教案:Unit 6 An old man tried to moved the mountains.doc

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人教版八年级英语下册教案 PAGE PAGE 1 课 题 课 时 1 教 学 目 标 语言技能 听:能听懂关于传说和故事的对话,并在听力中,捕捉特定信息,抓住关键词。 说:能用英语叙述简单的故事情节。 语言知识 语音:在口语交流时能做到语音和语调基本正确、自然、流畅。 词汇:1.理解:stone, weak, god, bit, a little bit. 2.熟练运用:shoot, remind. 语法: 能讨论用How, what, where等疑问词引导的问题。 功能: 讲故事。 话题:传说和故事。 情感态度 通过讲述一些励志的故事,提高学生的进取精神。 学习策略 根据人物对白总结故事情节要点。 文化意识 中国民间神话传说,西方童话故事 教学重 难点 教学重点 让学生能够通过听故事,理解故事的大意。 教学难点 将学生熟悉的中国神话故事内容转换为符合英语表达习惯和思维的语言表达。 教学方法 听说法,交际法,游戏法 教学辅助手段 PPT 板书设计 Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains. How does the story begin? 目标词汇 What happened next? Where would they put all the earth and stone from the mountains. 教后反思 学生对于神话色彩的故事很感兴趣,像愚公移山的故事,学生很熟悉,所以在学习的时候,没有很大的难度,但是要他们把这个故事简单的描述一下的时候,只有几个好的学生能够大致的说下,于是,在课堂上,我还采用了成语接龙的方式,让学生一个一个的一句一句的接下去,这样能覆盖到全班。 Teaching Procedure Stages/ Timing Teachers’ activities Students’ activities Methodology Step1 Lead-in Step2 Listening Step3 Listening Step4 Role-play Step5 Homework Show four pics to the students. Then the T check them. and ask Ss to guess the meaning of shoot. Get Ss to finish 1a. Ask Ss to estimate the answer to the three questions. Play the tape for the first time. then check the answers. Play the tape again and ask Ss to imitate. Get Ss to work in pairs to discuss the questions. Then do a favor for the weak Ss. Before-listening Ask Ss to look through the 4pics and try to guess the order of the pics. While-listening Play the tape for the first time and ask them to check their prediction. Get Ss to read the five sentences and guess the meaning of god and remind. Then get them to listen to the tape again and circle the words. Post-listening Ask them to read the tapescripes and imitate. 1.The T lead into the dialogue and ask some questions. What do you think about the story fo Yu Gong? Do you think it’s a good way to solve the problem? Does it seem possible to move a mountain? What could Yu Gong do instead of moving a mountain? 2.Play the tape and get Ss to read after the tape. Ask the boys and girls to read t


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