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Mediator of shock and sepsis Endotoxin Complement fragments Eicosanoids Leukotrienes, Prostaglandins, Throbomxanes Cytokines: Interleukins(IL1, IL2, IL6); TNF-a; CSF, GCSF,GM-CSF; IFN-r Neuroendocrine mediators: catechols, cortisol, glucagons V. diagosis and management of shock: General approach Keep SaO2 90% Optimize cardiac index Optimize Hb supply supplemental O2 mechanical ventilation, if necessary May need early hemodynamic monitoring 11-13g/dl Assess volume status(preload) PCWP15 volume expansion PCWP15 consider volume if PCWP18 diureses if PCWP18 Reassess to keep: PCWP 15-18 mmHg MAP 60-80 mmHg SvO2 65-70% Delivery independent O2 consumption Goals met Goals not met Treat inciting cause of shock control inflammatory response nutritional support Inotropic support (b agonism) Dobutamine Dopamine Epinephrine 注:此图表太大,一个幻灯页面不能全部显示 Consider vasodilators Nitroglycenin Nitroprusside Consider a agonist Norepinephrine Epinephrine Neosynephrine Plus Dopamine Goals met Goals not met Reassess Treat inciting cause of shock control inflammatory response nutritional support 注:此图表太大,一个幻灯页面不能全部显示 SPECIFIC SHOCK SYNDROMES Clinical signs and symptoms of hemorrhagic shock based on severity of blood loss Percent loss of circulating blood volume(volume loss for 70kg male) Pulse rate Systolic pressure Pulse pressure Capillary refill Respirations Central nervous system Urine output 15%(750ml) 15%-30%(750-1500ml) 30%-40%(1500-2000ml) 40%(2000ml) normal 100 120 140 nonpalpable normal normal weak decreased marked decreased normal decreased decreased marked decreased normal delayed delayed absent Normal Mild tachypnea Marked tachypnea Marked tachypnea normal anxious confused lathargic normal 20-30ml/hr 20ml/hr negligible 注:此图表太大,一个幻灯页面不能全部显示 Traumatic shock Hypovolemic shock with 1. larger volume losses 2. greater fluid sequestration in the extravascular compartments 3. more intense activation of inflammatory mediators development of SIRS 4. microcirculato


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