
专题10 时事热点二--2023年高考英语阅读理解名校好题100篇(原卷板).docx

专题10 时事热点二--2023年高考英语阅读理解名校好题100篇(原卷板).docx

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优点英语 答案第 = page 1 1页,共 = sectionpages 2 2页 PAGE 1 优点英语 专题10 时事热点二 1.(2023·上海·上海中学校考模拟预测)Where is Amelia Earhart? Three theories Amelia Earhart, the first woman to fly alone across the Atlantic Ocean, was attempting a round- the-world flight in 1937. She planned to land on the tiny Pacific Ocean island of Howland. She never arrived. Her fate, and that of her navigator (导航员)Fred Noonan, remains one of aviation’s (航空的)greatest unsolved mysteries. Researchers have spent millions of dollars investigating the case and several books have been published that examined different theories. The official US position is that Earhart ran out of fuel and crashed in the Pacific Ocean. The radio log from aUS Coast Guard ship indicates that she must have been near Howland when contact was lost Another theory says that Earhart could have crashed on a different island, called Nikumaroro, and died since the island is uninhabited. Yet another theory claims she was captured while on a secret mission to the Marshall Islands in the North Pacific and eventually returned to the US with a new identity. Lost and found? The missing pilot February 18, 2011 Amelia Earhart’s dried saliva (唾液)could help solve the longstanding mystery of the aviator’s 1937 disappearance, according to scientists who plan to take samples of her DNA from her correspondence. A new project aims to create a genetic profile that could be used to test recent claims that a bone found on the South Pacific island ofNikumaroro is Earharf s. Justin Long, a Canadian whose family is partially funding the DNA project, points out that at the moment, anyone who finds parts of bones can claim that they are Earhart’s remains. According to Justin Long, Earharts letters are the only items that are both proved to be hers and that might contain her DNA.Hair samples are one of the best sources of DNA, but no hair samples from Earhart are known. There was, in theory, a sample of Earharts hair in the International Women’s Air and Space Museum


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