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Once, many years ago, there was an evil spirite who used ice to make a mirror that reflected everything that was good in the world as something horrible and nasty. One day, the mirror was broken by some mischievous young sprites and the mirror shattered across the world in thousands of little pieces.
Elsewhere lived Kay and Gerda. They were best of friends and loved to play in Kay’s parents’ rose garden together. They spent all their days singing songs and caring for each other like they were brother and sister.
But one day, while they were out playing, Kay got some pieces of the sprite’s mirror stuck in his eye and in his heart. They began to turn all that was good in him to bad. He turned very mean towards Gerda, which upset her. Where once he thought her pretty, now he told her she was ugly!
That winter, Kay was out sledging, when a huge sleigh pulled up and a hooded man asked him to get in. He thought a ride in a sleigh would be lots of fun and so he climbed up next to the driver.
However, once they were moving the driver turned into a beautiful and terrible snow queen! She kissed Kay twice. The first kiss made him numb from the cold and the second made him forget all about Gerda. A third kiss would have killed him! Off they travelled to the snow queen’s palace.
Gerda was heartbroken at Kay’s disappearance and began to ask everyone if they’d seen him. First, she asked a fairy if she’d seen him. The fairy lived in a garden that was forever summer and she sent her garden flowers to search beneath the ground, but they couldn’t find Kay there.
The next day, a crow found Gerda crying for Kay. The crow told her that she’d seen Kay get married to a princess. Gerda was worried that Kay had married someone else, but when she went to the palace she found out that it was not Kay after all, just a boy who looked like him.
Travelling in search of Kay, Gerda soon fell foul of a little girl who tried to rob her! But when Gerda told her story to the girl, she was sad
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