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目录 宝莲灯英文.pdf································1 后羿射日英文.pdf·······························25 花木兰英文版.pdf·······························40 哪吒英文.pdf·································55 年英文.pdf··································71 女娲造人英文.pdf·······························84 神笔马良.pdf·································106 愚公移山英文.pdf·······························122 元宵节英文.pdf································136 钻木取火英语.pdf·······························149 宝 莲 灯 It is said that there is Nirvana in the eastern sky,a place which people call Heaven. Heaven is located above the clouds. It is covered by the clouds,and there are hordes of cranes. The Queen Mother of Heaven wished that there could be more kind souls in the world, so she sent a beautiful fairy, San Shengmu, to build a temple on the top of Huashan Mountain to spread kind thoughts to people who came to visit. As time has gone by, people have come here in an endless stream. A scholar named Liu Xiang was on his way to Beij ing and preparing for an exam.When he passed the sacred temple,he saw people were all going to worship,and so he went in as well. As soon as Liu Xiang entered the hall, he saw the statue of San Shengmu. The statue was beautiful, gentle and dignified, which attracted Liu Xiang deeply. He thought to himself,How wonderful it would be to marry someone like this!He took out his pen and ink,and expressed his love for San Shengmu lovingly on the wall. San Shengmu also had a good impression on Liu Xiang. Unfortunately, she was a fairy while he was a mortal.How can we be together? Liu Xiang stayed for a long time before going down the mountain. The beautiful scenery along the way didnt attract him. He kept thinking about San Shengmu in the temple. One day,Liu Xiang came to a busy street. Suddenly, a woman appeared right in front of him, looking exactly like the statue of San Shengmu.It turned out that San Shengmu


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