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A 30 yr-old pregnancy woman at 31 weeks is admitted to the obstetric ward after a motor-vehicle accident. She complains of sudden onset of vaginal bleeding for the past hour. She has intense, constant uterine pain and frequent uterine contractions and abdominal tenderness. Fetal heart tones are regular at 135/min. Case Etiology Pathology Complications Definition1 ManagementCatalog23456Classification Clinical manifestationDiagnosis Differential diagnosis DefinitionPlacenta abruption : After 20 gestational weeks, the normally implanted placental separation from its implantation site before delivery. ≥20W The normally implanted placenta ! EtiologyMaternal vascular diseasesMechanical factorsUterine venous pressure rose suddenlyAdvanced age, Smoking, cocaine abuse and others Maternal vascular diseasesPIH (Pregnancy induced hypertention) Chronic kidney disease Spasm of spiral arteries caused capillaries rupture in decidua basalis.(螺旋动脉痉挛导致的底蜕膜毛细血管破裂) Mechanical factorsTrauma Sex at late pregnancyAmniocentesis (羊膜腔穿刺术)Uterine volume decreased suddenly Uterine venous pressure ↑Enlarged uterus result in an elevated compression and venous pressure Decidua vein congestion and rupture Supine hypotensive syndrome (仰卧位低血压综合征) Pathology Placental separation is initiated by hemorrhage into the decidua basalis with formation of a decidual hematoma. Uteroplacental apoplexyPressure of hematoma increased. Blood invade into the uterus myometrium.Muscle fibers separated, even broken. Uterine surface turned purple blue .Pathology Severe placental abruptionRelease of thrombokinase 凝血活酶 Coagulation system ActivatingConsume maternal coagulation substancedisseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC)Pathology ClassificationRevealed abruption —Bleeding extends toward cervix, leading to external or visible bleeding. Concealed abruption —Bleeding stays between placenta and uterine wall, can not


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