Unit 2 Great people 课堂练习(含答案)2022-2023学年牛津译林版英语九年级下册.doc

Unit 2 Great people 课堂练习(含答案)2022-2023学年牛津译林版英语九年级下册.doc

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Unit2 Comic strip Welcome to the unit 课时检测 一、根据句意及中文提示,完成下列句子 1.Christopher Columbus is an ______________(探险者) . He discovered American. 2.His father is both a composer and a ____________( 战士 ). 3.Einstein is a great inventor, he invented many great i___________. 4.The _________(俄国人) sat in silence for a moment. 5.Jane’s husband is an __________(意大利人), but he can get on well with us . 6. The two young men ______________(打架) in the street just now. 7.The two foreign students are __________( 欧洲人). 8.The ancient Chinese ________(发明) tea that is now very popular all over the world. 9.He is no more an __________(发明者) than an engineer. 10. They ___________(探索)the bottom the sea last year. 二、用所给词的适当形式填空 1.One of the ___________(Europe) seems very excited. 2.What kind of music do you like better, ________(class) music or rock? 3.Victor Hugo is a great __________(write) of French literature. 4.Helen is the first __________(come ) to school every morning , she is very hard-working. 5.Do you know who is ____________(popular ) song among the young? 6.The professor is giving a talk on ____________(Russia ) literature. 7.The tall man over there is a South ____________(Africa). 8.The __________(explore) told the boys about his adventures in the Arctic. 9.Yang Liwei is the first Chinese __________(travel ) in space. 10.__________(Italy) pizza is very popular in China. 三、单项选择 ( )1.He is ______ person who invented _______ telephone. A. the, a B. /;/ C. /; the D. the ; the ( )2.Jeet Kune Do is a type of kungfu, which was ________ by Bruce Lee. A. invented B. found C. discovered D. made ( )3.---Have you ________ Einstein who is one of the greatest people in the world? A. heard B. heard from C. heard of D. listen to ( )4.---Which do you think is the greatest film ______ James Cameron has directed? ---- Titanic, of course. A. that B. which C. those D. who ( )5.---- ________ do you know abou



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