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海底两万里-尼摩船长 摩船长是一个带有浪漫、神秘色彩,非常吸引人的人物。 In book leading character Nepal touches captain has, the mystical color romantically, extremely appealing character. 尼摩根据自己的设计建造了潜水船,潜航在海底进行大规模的科学研究,但这好像又不是他这种孤独生活的惟一目的。 Nepal touched acts according to own design to make the underwater ship, dived the navigation to conduct the large-scale scientific research in the seabed, but this was probably not his this kind of lonely life only goal. 第一页,共七页。 他躲避开他的敌人和迫害者,在海底探寻自由,又对自己孤独的生活深深感到悲痛。这个神秘人物的谜底到了三部曲的第三部才被揭开。 He avoids him the enemy and the persecutor, inquires about the freedom in the seabed, also deep feels deeply to the oneself lonely life sorrowful. This mystical characters truth arrived the trilogy third talent to open.第二页,共七页。 Seabed 20,000 Miles《海底两万里》是法国举世闻名的科幻小说家儒尔‘凡尔纳的代表作之一。 这部小说描述的是法国生物学家阿龙纳斯在海底深处旅行的故事。故事发生在1866年,当时海上发现了一只被认为是独角鲸的大怪物,他参加追捕,不幸落到了怪物的背脊上,其实怪物是一艘构造奇妙的潜水船。潜水船船长尼莫于是邀请他作海底旅行。 Seabed 20,000 Miles are the French world famous science fiction writer of fiction Confucian you 1.th verne representative works This novel description is French biologist Aaron natrium Si in the seabed deep place travel story. The story occurred in 1866, at that time marine had discovered was considered was the big monster, he participated captures, unfortunately fell on the monster back, actually the monster was a structure marvelous diving ship. Diving ship captain thereupon invites him to make the seabed travel 第三页,共七页。 作者让读者登上“鹦鹉螺号”,以平均十二公里的时速,在将近十个月的海底旅行中,随着尼摩船长和他的客人们饱览海底变化无穷的奇异景观和各类生物;航程中高潮迭起,有海底狩猎,参观海底森林,探访海底亚特兰蒂斯废墟,打捞西班牙沉船的财宝,目睹珊瑚王国的葬礼,与大蜘蛛,鲨鱼,章鱼搏斗,击退土著人的围攻等等。The author lets the reader mount the parrot , by the average 12 kilometers speeds, in nearly in ten month-long seabed travel, touches captain and his visitors along with Nepal sees to the full the seabed countless changes strange landscape and each kind of living thing; In the range the high tide occurs repeatedly, has the seabed hunting, the visit seabed forest, the visitation seabed Asia especially


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