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The job characteristics model looks at describing any job in terms of five core job dimensions. These job dimensions include skill variety which is the degree to which the job incorporates a number of different skills and talents. Task identity is another dimension that looks at the degree to which the job requires a completion of whole and identifiable piece of work. Task significance is included and looks at how the job impacts the lives of others. Autonomy, the fourth dimension, identifies how much freedom and independence the worker has over their job. And finally, feedback is how much the job generates direct and clear information about the worker’s performance. * Group decision making comes with its strengths and weaknesses when compared to individual decision making. Groups do tend to generate more complete information and knowledge as well as offer a greater diversity of views and increased creativity. Since more people are involved in the decision there tends to be an increased acceptance of decisions and generally group decisions are more accurate. However, group decisions also are more time consuming and can conform to pressures in the group thus limiting their effectiveness. In the process, discussions can be dominated by a few members. The members of the group may not always take responsibility for the actions of group as it is hard to assign responsibility to a single person. * In some situations groups are more effective or efficient and in other situations individuals are. When you are looking for accuracy groups tend to perform better, but they are not as fast. Groups tend to be more creative and their decisions tend to be accepted m ore because of multi-person buy in. * 3.2 群体思维 8-* 群体思维:群体的从众压力阻碍了群体对异乎寻常的、少数派的或者不受欢迎的观点的批判性评价能力 群体思维的症状: 使任何反对他们所提假设的意见合理化(无视不合理) 对质疑多数人方案的论据效度施加压力(消灭反对声音) 持有怀疑或不同看法的人保持沉默或降低自己怀疑观点的重要性 存在无异议错觉,将沉默理解为赞成 第二十九页,共三十九页。 3.2 最小化群体行为 8-* 控制群体规模 (一般少于10人) 鼓励群体领导者公正无偏,积极征求所有成员的意见,避免直接说出自己的意见 任命一个“魔鬼代言人” 通过“练习”激发人


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