
2023薪酬指南 报告.pdf

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China SALARY GUIDE 2023 PERSOLKELLY 作为亚太地区权威的人力资源解决方案专家,持续为客户提供全面的劳动力解决方案。 PERSOLKELLY 在13个国家和地区设有超过45个办事处,包括澳大利亚、中国、中国香港、中国台湾、印度、印度尼西亚、韩国、马来西亚、新西兰、菲律宾、新加 坡、泰国和越南。 招聘业务涵盖汽车、医药科研、化工、消费品、工业制造、银行与金融、财务、法律与合规、高科技与互联网、酒店、人力资源等多个行业。我们将一如既往的为企业 提供包括招聘、高端人才寻猎、人才地图、薪资调研、灵活用工、劳务派遣、代发工资、招聘流程外包、服务流程外包,人力资源咨询和培训等综合人力资源服务。 PERSOLKELLY is one of the leading Human Resources solutions specialists in the Asia Pacific region, providing comprehensive end-to-end workforce solutions. Headquartered in Singapore, PERSOLKELLY spans over 45 offices across 13 markets, including: Australia, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam. For more information, visit PERSOLKELLY Consulting 为在华日企提供全方位的人事劳务咨询服务,作为企业的合作伙伴,在人事劳务领域协助企业解决人员与组织问题。PERSOLKELLY Consulting 现于上海、北京、广州、深圳和中国香港设有五个分支机构,业务内容涵盖人才中介、猎头、RPO、培训、人事劳务咨询等综合人力资源服务。 PERSOLKELLY CONSULTING provides comprehensive workforce consulting services for Japanese companies in China. We assist in solving HR personnel and organisational challenges. PERSOLKELLY Consulting has five branches in Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Hong Kong. For more information, visit 2 CONTENTS Working life is a journey of growth and creation. We all have big dreams, and there are many different paths to success. Thus, we need to make our own choices from a range of diversified work opportunities. Our vision is to enrich society so that all work leads to lives of happiness. Methodology: Salary figures included in the 2023 China Salary Guide are derived by combining the expert


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