外研版(2019)高中英语选择性必修第四册 Unit5_Using_language_板块教学设计.docx

外研版(2019)高中英语选择性必修第四册 Unit5_Using_language_板块教学设计.docx

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PAGE2 / NUMPAGES2 Unit5 Using language板块教学设计 Using language板块教学设计 (建议时长80–90分钟,教师可根据教学实际酌情调整。) 课型 Reading + Listening + Speaking 主题语境 人与自然——探索未解之谜 内容分析 本板块围绕单元话题,通过多模态的形式,引导学生通过语篇活动、听 说训练,复习语法知识,学习相关词汇,从不同方面开拓视野,提升语言学习能力,进一步理解单元主题。语法部分通过呈现课文中的语句,帮助学生复习名词性从句,并利用一篇紧扣本单元主题的语篇,帮助学生巩固语法知识,提升在真实语境中运用名词性从句的能力。综合语言运用部分的话题为“面对未知”,其中词汇部分的语篇介绍了人类面对未知时克服本能反应的影响,凭借勇于探索的精神推动了文明的进步,同时也强调了探索未知时不能盲目冒险,还应考虑安全问题;听说部分介绍了人类大脑的相关事实和数据,并通过一个采访,介绍了科学家们探究与睡眠相关的各种奥秘。本板块帮助学生深度聚焦语言的意义和功能,通过真实语境下技能的综合训练,加深对单元主题的理解,提高综合语言运用能力。 教学目标 1 引导学生总结、归纳名词性从句的类型和表意功能,并能够在真实语境中加以运用; 2 引导学生通过阅读与单元主题相关的语篇,学习更多与主题相关的词 汇和表达,进一步理解面对未知时的正确做法; 3 帮助学生听懂与探索人类大脑及睡眠奥秘相关的话题内容,使学生能 够恰当地运用功能性表达询问信息、解释信息; 4 引导学生思考如何主动且理性地探索求真。 教学重点 引导学生了解名词性从句的功能、用法并在真实语境中运用; 引导学生学会表达未解之谜等相关话题。 教学难点 引导学生在真实语境中运用名词性从句。 引导学生要敢于探索,勇于求真。 教学策略 任务型教学法、交际教学法、听说教学法 Teaching contents Procedures Purposes Teacher’s activity Students’ activity Activity 1 Teacher asks students to read the sentences in the first box and pay special attention to the words in bold. Then ask students Questions 1-3. Teacher checks the answers with students. Teacher asks students to read the four sentences and answer Question 4. Teacher asks students to work in pairs to summarize the characteristics of noun clauses. Teacher asks some students to share their ideas and add some necessary grammatical knowledge. Students observe the sentences in the box and answer Questions 1–3. Students check the answers with the teacher. Students read the sentences and answer Question 4. Students work in pairs and share their answers. Some students share their ideas. To find out the functions and usages of noun clauses. Activity 2 Teacher asks students to read the passage and get the main idea of the passage. Teacher asks students to read again and complete the blanks. Teacher checks the answers with the class and summarize the usage of modals. Students read the passage and get its main idea. Students read and choose the correct answers. Students check the answers with the teache



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