外研版(2019)高中英语选择性必修第四册 Unit5_Understanding_ideas_板块教学设计.docx

外研版(2019)高中英语选择性必修第四册 Unit5_Understanding_ideas_板块教学设计.docx

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PAGE2 / NUMPAGES2 Unit5 Understanding ideas板块教学设计 Understanding ideas板块教学设计 (建议时长30–35分钟,教师可根据教学实际酌情调整。) 课型 Reading 主题语境 人与自然——探索未解之谜 内容分析 本板块呈现了一篇反映单元主题的课文,语篇类型为说明文。课文围绕玛雅文明的辉煌成就以及玛雅文明消失的可能原因展开。学生在阅读课文的同时可以增长知识,并合理猜测和分析玛雅文明消失的可能原因。读前的导入活动请学生看图片,了解三个古代文明的相关信息,谈论它们走向灭亡的原因,旨在为课文学习做好铺垫。读中活动引导学生通过阅读,找出玛雅文明从鼎盛到衰落直至最终消失的可能原因。读后活动包括段落主题句填写、课文结构分析、玛雅文明和中国古代文明对比、开放性问答等活动,帮助学生深入理解、赏析课文,引导学生进一步思考玛雅文明消失的可能原因,探究单元主题意义,培养逻辑思维能力。 教学目标 1. 带领学生通过略读和精读,获取课文主要信息,了解玛雅文明的辉煌成就,找出导致玛雅文明没落直至消失的可能原因; 2. 引导学生通过阅读课文,感知课文的语言特点,把握课文的结构和脉络,学习并掌握与话题相关的词汇和表达; 3. 引导学生在理解课文的基础上,合理思考和分析玛雅文明消失背后的可能原因,培养学生的求真精神和保护现代文明的意识。 教学重点 引导学生读懂语篇,理解玛雅文化没落的原因; 引导学生掌握相关的表达。 教学难点 引导学生以批判性思维阅读材料。 教学策略 P-W-P模式 Teaching contents Procedures Purposes Teacher’s activity Students’ activity Activity 1 Teacher asks students to do some research about the three ancient civilizations before class. Teacher invites some representatives of each group to share their answers for the 3 questions in Activity 1. Teacher adds some information and draws a conclusion. Students do some research on the three ancient civilizations before class. Some students share their answers for the questions. Students listen to the teacher’s comment. To prepare students with the basic knowledge of 3 ancient civilizations. To raise students’ interest in reading the passage. Activity 2 Teacher asks students to read the passage and search for the answer of the question. Teacher asks students to discuss in groups. Teacher asks some students to share their ideas. Students read the passage and find out the answer. Students work in groups and discuss about the question. Some students present their ideas. To help students get the main idea of the passage. Activity 3 Teacher asks students to read the passage again and finish Activity 3. Teacher asks students work in pairs and exchange their answers. Teacher invites some students to share their answers and add some necessary comments. Students read the passage quickly and choose the topic sentences



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