外研版(2019)高中英语选择性必修第四册 Unit5_Presenting_ideas_and_Reflection_板块教学设计.docx

外研版(2019)高中英语选择性必修第四册 Unit5_Presenting_ideas_and_Reflection_板块教学设计.docx

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PAGE2 / NUMPAGES2 Unit5 Presenting ideas Reflection板块教学设计 Presenting ideas Reflection板块教学设计 (建议时长40–45分钟,教师可根据教学实际酌情调整。) 课型 Speaking 主题语境 人与自然——探索未解之谜 内容分析 本板块要求学生通过分析 Marcel Proust 的名言,讨论探索世界的方式,然后结合自身的理解和实践,表达自己对探索世界的方式的看法。本板块旨在通过解读与探索世界相关的名人名言,促进学生对所学内容的复习与掌握,使学生能够联系自身实际对所学内容加以综合运用,同时帮助学生内化单元主题思想,发展思维品质,完成对所学内容的迁移和创新。 教学目标 引导学生阅读和理解 Marcel Proust 关于探索世界的方式的名言,使学生对于探索世界的方式形成自己的理解; 引导学生通过完成这一综合性的活动,加深对单元主题意义的理解,认识并深入思考探索世界的方式; 引导学生掌握必要的演讲技巧,并将其应用到话题演讲活动中去。 教学重点 引导学生学以致用,学会表达与话题“未解之谜”相关的观点; 引导学生学会反思。 教学难点 培养学生的思辨能力 教学策略 任务型教学法、交际教学法 Teaching contents Procedures Purposes Teacher’s activity Students’ activity Presenting ideas Activity 1 Teacher asks students to read the the sentence by Proust and think about the meaning. Teacher asks students to find out the key words of the passage and work in groups to discuss the questions in Activity 1. Teacher asks some students to share their understandings and offer some reference. Students read the sentence carefully and think about the meaning. Students figure out the key words of the sentence and have a discussion in the group to share their ideas. Students listen to others’ ideas. To introduce an opinion concerning the theme to evoke students’ ideas. Activity 2-4 Teacher guide students to talk about Proust’s view while encouraging them to be critical. Teacher asks students to write down their understanding of studying the unknown with the guidance in Activity 3. Then, students are asked to share their point of view in their group. Teacher asks some students to present their ideas and makes some comments. Students talk about Proust’s view. Students write down their views and share them with their group members. Some students present their ideas. Then the whole class listens to the teacher’s comments. To guide students to apply what they have learnt and develop their critical thinking. Reflection Teacher guides students to recall what they’ve learnt in this unit. Teacher asks students to complete Reflection in Student



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