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小学英语六年级上册第二单元测试题 (满分 100 分,用时 100 分钟) 一.根据中文写出相应的英文(10 分) 1.步行 2.乘坐 57 路公交车 3.乘地铁 4.自然公园 5.坐轮船 6.早起 7.注意 8.交通信号灯 9.慢下来 10.在那边 二.选择填空.(20 分) Iusuallygotoschoolfoot.A. by;B. at;C. on --- istheboy--He’sTom.A. What;B. Who;C. How --- areyoudoing--I’mreading. A. What; B. When;C. How ----isontheriver---Someships.A. Who;B. Whom;C. What appledoyouwant,thebigoneorthesmallone A. What;B. Which;C. Whose 6 canIgotoShanghai/ ---Youcangobyplane. A. Where;B. How;C. What 7 isyourbrother. ----He’sten. A. How;B. Where;C. Howold 8 booksdoyouhave ---Ihaveten. many;much; How can I there How do you home A get to go B get go to C. get go D. gets going These books those. A. is different from B. are different to C is different to D. are different from 三.圈出每组单词中与其他不属于同类的单词(5 分) redlightgreenlightyellowlighttrafficrule; Subway;bus;bike;park School;bike;park;kindergarten Canada;trafficlight;trafficrule;trafficjam England Scotland UK Fanch 四.对画线部分提问;(10 分) 1.Igotoschoolbybike. 2.Igotoschoolat6:30. 3. Youcangototheparkonfoot. istenyearsold. 5. bagisonthedesk. 五.连词成句:(10 分) 1.can,go,on,I,school,foot,to .,to,park,how,the,you,go 3.can,No15,go,bus,you,school,to,the,by 4.near,is,home,the,my,office,post . 5.go,stop,can,to,bus,foot,we,on,the . 六.改错:(10 分) canyougotoschool( ) A BC 2. IgoestoCanadabyplane.( ) AB C 3 .Wecangotothebusstop infoot.( ) AB C Remembering this trafficrules!( ) A B C Cometoomyhomebybike today. ( ) A B C 七、句子翻译(10) ’s so good to see you. must look right before crossing the road. ’s take a bus home. 4. Some children go to school by ferry. must wear a life jacket. the bus over there. 八.阅读理解判断正误 T 或 F(10) Mr Smiths: Excuse me. Where is the museum Sarah: You can take the No 120bus there. Mr Smiths: Where is the bus stop Sarah:First you go to the libray. The bus stop is in front of the library. Mr Smiths: Is it far Sarah:No, it is not far. Walk straight for five minutes. It’s on the right. Mr Smiths: Um, Where can I get off Sarah: You can get off at the post office. Go straight


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