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五年级上册 Unit5- 6 英语单元作业 一、找出划线部分发音不同的选项,并将其序号填在题前括号内。 ( ) 1. A. teacher B. park C. dinner ( ) 2. A. short B. actor C. river ( ) 3. A. who B. why C. where ( ) 4. A. thin B. thank C. that ( ) 5. A. window B. now C. grow 二、选择最佳答案,并将序号填在题前括号内。 ( )1. Is there a forest the park? A. on B. in C. under ( )2. --Is there a picture on the ? --No, there isn’t. A. tall B. ball C. wall ( )3. --Are there houses over there?--Yes, there are. A. any B. some C. no ( )4. There are many near my city. A. mountain B. mountains C. a mountain ( )5. --The mature park is beautiful.-Yes, we can some pictures there. A. look B. put C. take ( )6. --Is there a lake in the park? --Yes, is. A. they B. there C. it ( )7. --Are there many trees in the city?- -No, there A. isn’t B. are C. aren’t ( )8. How bridges are there in your village? A. about B. much C. many ( )9. --Is a mature park? --Yes, there is. A. there B. it C. he ( )10. --Do you often go to the park on Sundays? --Yes, I . A. do B. am C. have 三、根据汉语提示,写出英文单词的正确形式。 There are many small (房子)in the village. There is a (桥)over the river. There are some (建筑物)in the city. I can’t see any (花儿)in the garden. Can you see a (森林)in the photo? 四、在B组中找到A组的正确答语并连线。 A B What’s on the desk? A. Yes,there are. What colour is the apple? B.It’s red. What’s this in English? C.Oh,an apple. What colour are they? D.They’re yellow. Are there any horses in the farm? E.It’s a picture of a village. 五、用 have, has,或 there is, there are 填空 I a good father and a good mother. He a tape-recorder. a basketball in the playground. They a nice garden. any books in the bookcase? some maps on the wall. 六.从方框中选择适当的单词或词组填空. Over Over in front of behind third in The trash bin is the door. Our flat is on the floor. The picture of my family is the bed. There are four windows the wall. I’m tall. Ann is short. She’s standing (站立) me. 七、可数名词分为单数和复数。 名词单数就是该词本身,在其前面加 a 或 an。 1)单数 如 a desk(一张桌子) an old desk(一张旧书桌) 2)复数:要表示一个以上概念时,要用名词复数形式 3)以辅音字母+结尾,变y 为 i 再加- es。规则变化 1)一般情


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