Play Framework 框架 CURD模块分析和总结.docx

Play Framework 框架 CURD模块分析和总结.docx

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CURD:管理员的生成器 CRUD: Administration generator CURD(增加,读取,更新,删除)模块生成一个完全可用的 web 接口为你的 JPA 模型对象。 The CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) module generates a fully usable web interface for your JPA Model objects. 让我们看一个简单的例子。 Lets see a simple example. 为应用激活 CURD 模块 Enable the CRUD module for the application 在/conf/application.conf,文件中,使用下面一行配置激活 CURD 模块 In the **/conf/application.conf** file, enable the CRUD module by adding this line: # The crud module module.crud=${play.path}/modules/crud 引入默认的 CURD 路由 Import default CRUD routes 在 conf/routes 文件中,增加下面一行导入默认的模块路由 In the **conf/routes** file, import the default module routes by adding this line: # Import CRUD routes * /admin module:crud 不推荐直接使用默认的路由,你可以定义你自己的路由,或者混合使用两者 p(note). **Note** that using the default routes file is not required. You can also define your own routes, or mix the two. 增加一个 User 类 Create a User class 我们从创建一个 User 类开始 We will start by creating a User class: package models; import play.*; import play.db.jpa.*; import javax.persistence.*; import java.util.*; @Entity public class User extends Model { public String name; public String email; public String address; } 增加一个 Users 控制器 Create the Users controller 然后我们创建一个简单的控制器,只是继承与 CURD 控制器 Then, we create a simple controller that just inherits the CRUD controller. package controllers; public class Users extends CRUD { } 现在打开 http://localhost:9000/admin 然后你可以看到管理员的界面 Now open http://localhost:9000/admin:http://localhost:9000/admin and you should see the User admin area. !images/crud1! 控制器的类名必须是一个模型类名+s,如果你想使用其他的名字,只需要使用一个注解 The controllers class name has to be the model class name with a final s. If you want to name it differently, you can do it using an annotation. package controllers; @CRUD.For(User.class) public class AdminUsers extends CRUD { } User 表单 The User form 点击增加按钮,你应该看到一个 User 表单 Click the **Add** button, and you should see the User form. !images/crud2! 现在我们给 User 类增加一些验证规则 Now we can add some validation rules to the User class: package models;


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