Play Framework 框架 FAQ分析和总结.docx

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经常被问到的问题 Frequently Asked Questions Play 和其他的框架相比怎么样 How does Play compare to framework X? 现在,在开发 web 应用方面,你有很多的选择。Play 作为一个 Java Web 应用开发框架,让我们和其他 Java 框架比较一下。 Play 的实现为“无共享”架构(也可以认为是无状态框架),所以它和其他有状态和已组件为基础的框架(如 Seam, Tapestry or Wicket 等)完全不同,它和Spring MVC or Struts (or Struts 2)比较像,但是更加坚定. Nowadays, you have a very large number of choices for developing web applications. Play being a Java web application framework, let?s compare it to other Java frameworks. Play is built for a ?share nothing? architecture (think about it as a stateless framework), so it?s very different from all these Java stateful and components based frameworks like Seam, Tapestry or Wicket. It?s closer to Spring MVC or Srtuts (or Struts 2), but way more opinionated. 但是 Play 是一个独一无二的 Java 框架,它不依赖与所谓的 Java 企业标准, 它使用的是 Java,但是它试着把其他基于脚本语言的框架如 Ruby On Rails, Django, Pylons, Symfony, Grails and Cake PHP 中好的想法带到 Java 世界中。我们真的试着从 Java 平台中得到更好的,而不是像传统的 Java web 开发中那样令人叫苦连连,太多的抽象,太多的配置文件。 However Play is a unique Java framework. It does not really rely on the so-called Java Enterprise standards. It uses Java, but tries to bring all the good things from the frameworks based on scripting languages like Ruby On Rails, Django, Pylons, Symfony, Grails and Cake PHP to the Java world. We really tried to get the best out of the Java platform without getting the pain of traditional Java web development: a slow development cycle, too much abstraction and too much configuration. 你为什么不把 play 重命名为org.playframework? Why don?t you rename the play? package to org.playframework??! 你误解了。Play 不是另外一个你需要添加到 Servlet 容器中的一个类库,它是一个可以独立运行你的应用的全栈式 Java 框架。 Java 的包机制的命名约定是防止你使用不同的类库时的名字冲突。相信我,你永远不需要把play.jar? 库放到你自己的项目中。那不是 Play 的运行方式, Play 是一个平台,不要担心它。 You are missing the point. Play is not another library that you add to your Servlet container. It?s really a full stack Java framework that runs your application stand-alone. The Java package naming conventions exist to avoid name clashes when you use several different libraries f


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