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.专业 .专业.专注. .word 可编辑 . word 可编辑 . Unit3 Time 单元测试卷 听力部分一、听录音,在下面闹钟上标出正确的时间。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 二、听录音,选出正确的项。 ( ) 1. ---What’s the time on the clock? ---It’s A. It’s five past eight. B. It’s quarter past eight. ( ) 2. ---What’s the time on the clock? ---It’s A. half past eight. B. half past nine. ( ) 3. ---What’s the time on the clock? ---It’s A. twenty-five to nine. B. twenty to nine. ( ) 4. ---What’s the time on the clock? ---It’s A. twenty past eight. B. twenty-five past eight. ( ) 5. ---What’s the time on the clock? ---It’s A. twenty to nine. B. quarter to nine. 三、仔细听录音,完成汤姆( Tom) 一天的作息时间表。 gets gets up eats breakfast goes to school does morning exercises eats lunch plays football does homework 笔试部分 一、看一看,连一连。 go to school A. get up B. go to bed C. collect stamps D. like swimming E. 二、读一读,在下列闹钟上画出正确的时间。 1 It’s ten o’clock. It’s ten past eight. It’s quarter past eight. It’s twenty to nine. It’s quarter to nine. 三、单项选择。 ( ) 1. I’m eleven years old and I live Wuhan. A. at B. in ( ) 2. Please write me soon. A. to B. in ( ) 3. I like books. A. read B. reads ( ) 4. I like playing piano. A. a B. the  C. on C. with C. reading C. an ( ) 5. I get up seven o’clock. at B. in C. about 四、连词成句。 at, twenty, go, I, to, school, to, eight (.) many, in, can, you, jump, how, times, a, minute (?) can, write, in, a minute, Emma, ten, English words (.) twenty-five, it’s, nine, to (.) reading, I, books, like (.) 五、为下列句子找到正确的答语。 What’s the time? How many English words can you write? How many times can you jump in a minute? How long does it take? When can you get to Guangzhou? I can jump 200 times in a minute. I can write 300 English words. Two hours and ten minutes. It’s four o’clock. 六、读短文,回答下面的问题。 Little Smith can see films once a week in the cinema. There is a new film, The Lion King , in his school cinema now. He wants to see it. The teacher asks him to pay one dollar for one ticket. But he has got only twenty


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