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摘要 3D游戏由于其逼真的画面和360度无死角的旋转给广大玩家提供了一个在虚拟世界中 展现自我,放松精神的娱乐空间。随着游戏技术的不断完善,对游戏的场景提出了更高的 要求,精致的模型、精美的场景能加强游戏的视觉感和震撼力。 本文是根据主人公携带武器与动物,进入古堡打怪赚得金币解救公主的游戏剧情,运 用3DMax建模技术与PS制图技术,实现了带有复古特色的3D遗迹游戏场景,营造出一种 神秘古遗迹的宁静、自然的场景,使得玩家在游戏过程中体验3D场景带来的逼真感,感 受到3D游戏带来的全新体验。 本系统可以加深对3DMax建模工具的了解,认识基于unity3D开发游戏场景的使用过 程。 关键词:3D游戏;3DMax;游戏场景;unity3D Abstract Because of its realistic picture and 360 dead corners, the 3D game provides a vast space for players to show themselves and relax their minds in the virtual world. With the continuous improvement of game technology, the game scene put forward higher requirements, exquisite model, exquisite scenes can enhance the visual sense of the game and shock. This paper is based on the protagonist to carry weapons and animal into the castle, Play monsters earn gold to save the princess story of the game, using 3DMax modeling technology and PS mapping technology, realized with characteristics of retro 3D, game scene, create a mysterious ancient relics of the quiet, natural scenes, making the game player experience vivid scene 3D bring in the course of the game, feel the new experience to bring the game 3D. This system can deepen the understanding of 3DMax modeling tools, and understand the development process of game scenes based on unity3D. Keywords: 3D game; 3DMax; game scene; unity3D in in 目录?.?I 目录 ?.?I II 摘要…… Abstract 1 I 匕?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 1 TOC \o 1-5 \h \z \o Current Document 1课题研究的现状 1 \o Current Document 1.2课题研究的目的和意义 2 1.2. 1研究的目的 2 1.2.2研究的意义 2 \o Current Document 1.3课题研究的内容 2 \o Current Document 1.4课题研究的方法和手段 3 \o Current Document 5本章,片结 3 \o Current Document 2系统分析 4 \o Current Document 1系统开发流程 4 1. 1需求分析 4 1.2系统设计 4 1.3系统开发 4 1.4系统测试 4 1.5系统维护 4 \o Current Document 2.2用户需求分析 4 \o Current Document 2.3可行性分析 4 2.4技术路线 5 2. 4.1模型设计阶段 5 4.2模型开发阶段 5 \o Current Document 5本章4、结 5 \o Current Document 3技术知识 6 \o Current Document 1 3DMAX 简介 6 \o Current Document 2 UNITY


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