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居家安宁疗护服务实施的背景与现状 作者:黄芸雷云邝海东叶征杨宗瑜 来源:《上海医药》2020 年第18 期 摘要安宁疗护指为患有不可治愈疾病的临终患者提供减轻痛苦的医疗护理服务,达到提 高患者生命质量、节约医疗成本的目的。居家安宁疗护服务通过对临终患者及其家属提供基础 医疗、镇痛药物指导、医疗咨询、护理指导、心理关怀和支持等服务提升患者的生命质量。通 过探讨居家安宁疗护的服务目的、服务优势、服务模式、存在问题及上海地区居家安宁疗护的 发展现状,从而形成居家安宁疗护服务指南,推广居家安宁疗护服务,为改善和提高临终患者 的末期生命质量、促进医疗资源的合理利用提供参考。 关键词居家安宁疗护;服务背景;现状 中图分类号:R48 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-1533 (2020)18-0011-03 Background and current situation of home hospice care service HUANG Yun1 , LEI Yun1 , KUANG Haidong2, YE Zheng3 , YANG Zongyu4 (1. General Practice Team of Changfeng Community Health Service Center of Putuo District, Shanghai 200062 , China ; 2. Yichuan Community Health Service Center of Putuo District, Shanghai 200065 , China ; 3. Changfeng Community Health Service Center of Putuo District, Shanghai 200062 , China ; 4. Nursing Department of Changfeng Community Health Service Center of Putuo District , Shanghai 200062 , China) ABSTRACT Hospice care refers to the provision of medical and nursing services to alleviate the pain of the terminally ill patients with incurable diseases to improve the quality of patients’ life and save the cost of medical treatment. Home hospice care services improve the quality of terminally ill patients by providing basic medical treatment, analgesic drug guidance , medical consultation, nursing guidance , psychological care and support treatment. This paper discusses the service objectives, service advantages , service modes , existing problems and the development status of home hospice care in Shanghai to form a home hospice care service guidance to promote the home hospice care , and to provide the reference for improving and enhancing the quality of terminally ill patients , and promoting the rational utilization of medical resources. KEY WORDS home hospice care ; service background ; current situation 安宁疗护指为患有不可治愈疾病的临终患者提供减轻痛苦的医疗护理服务,提高患者生命 质量,节约医疗成本,体现社会文明的进步[1]。安宁疗护发展较为成熟的中国台湾地区将



