人教版 《新起点》小学英语一年级上册全册教案.docx

人教版 《新起点》小学英语一年级上册全册教案.docx

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能听懂并说出表示脸和五官的英语单词通过欢快的歌谣激发学生对英语的兴趣 能听懂并说出表示脸和五官的英语单词 通过欢快的歌谣激发学生对英语的兴趣 教学目标 培养学生的合作意识以及良好的卫生习惯 感知课堂指令语‘Touch your...’. 教学重点 学习脸和五官的单词 教学难点 歌谣以单词 教学用具 教学光盘、怪兽组合图、足球贴 教学内容 教法说明 复备 Step1: Warm-up 运用全身反应法复习所学 1. Greeting 单词。 2. TPR:Review the words in last unit 通过童话故事,吸引学生, Step2:Lead in 调动学生。 T takes out the card of the clown and tells a 运用直观教学法,是学生更 story: ‘When the god was making the clown, he 易于理解单词的意思。 asked the clown:“What do you want to have?” The 运用全身反应法,不同的组 clown said:“I want a very big nose, very big 织形式学习新单词,利于学 mouth, a red face, two big eyes and two long 生记忆 ears.”The god said:“Yes, I give them to you .” Then, the clown look into the mirror. “Oh, My body! I’m so ugly!” T: Today, let’s learn ‘My body’.(write on the blackboard) Step3: presentation 一年级上册 英语教学设计 Unit Two Lesson7 T sticks the picture on the blackboard. Read the words following T. T points to the sense organ, the students say the word. One student point to his five sense organs, the others say the word. Learn the chant. Step4: Practice Game: Simon says T:Touch your nose/eyes/mouth/ears/face Game: paper dice Every representative of group casts the dice drew the five sense organs, and says the word, his groupers draw the sense organ, if he casts the same sense organ, the groupers can’t draw. The group which is the first to finish the five sense organs is the winner. 板 Unit2 Face 书 反思 Unit Two Lesson8 教学目标 初步掌握句型:This is my... 了解自己五官的特征,并能有英语进行简单描述 培养学生的观察能力 初步具有课堂合作精神,乐于并善于参加各种形式活动 教学重点 用英语简单描述自己的五官 教学难点教学用具 This is my...句型以及连贯几句描述自己单词卡片、教学光盘、录音磁带、 教学内容 教法说明 复备 Step1: Warm-up Review the words:Read the cards TPR T: Touch your mouth/nose.... Say the chant. Guess the words according to the action: e.g.: T winks, students guess‘eye’. Step2:presentation Students count the eyes following T, and say: one, two, two eyes. At the same way, count ears, mouth, and nose. T: I have two eyes. Ss:... T: I have two ears. Ss:... T: I have one nose. Ss:... T: I have one mouth. Ss:... T: I have one little face. Ss:


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