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人教版六年级上册英语第一单元测试卷 人教版六年级上册英语第一单元测试卷 PAGE PAGE 1 / 4 三、读一读, 三、读一读,填空。(10 分) 1. at a red light 2. at a green light 3. at a yellow light 班级_ __ 姓名_ __ 分数_ _ 一、读一读,选出划线部分读音不同的一项。(10 分) ()1. A.beat B.team C.peak ()2. A.picture B.bike C.pig ()3. A.blue B.must C.bus ()4. A.apple B.traffic C.play ()5. A.rain B.train C.pair 二、根据图片写短语。(14 分) When we go by bike, we must look at the . When we go by car ,we must obey(遵守)the . 四、选择最佳答案。(10 分) ( )1.当你建议和朋友一起去动物园的时候,你应该说: Let’s go to the zoo. How do you go to the zoo? Where is the zoo? ( )2.当你问别人乘怎样的交通工具去北京时,你应该说: Let’s go to Beijing by car. How do you go to Beijing? Do you go to Beijing by car? ( )3.你告诉别人坐 15 路公共汽车去公园时,应该说: You can go by the No. 15 bus . You can go by bus. You can go by subway. ( )4.当你询问别人怎样去 Australia 时,应该说: Do you go to Australia by plane? How do you go to Australia? Where is Australia? ( )5.当你想问别人‘‘我能步行去吗’’应说: Can I go on foot? How do you go to Shanghai? How can I get to Zhengzhou. ( )6.Little Jack sometimes goes home foot. A. by B. at C,on ( )7.I live on the floor. A. five B. fifth C.fiveth ( )8.Yellow light means ‘‘ ’ A.Go B.Stop C.Wait ( )9. can I get to the zoo? A.What B.How C.How old ( )10.How Lily go to school? A.do B.is C.does 五,英汉互译。(12 分) 1.上学 2.by taxi 3.到达 4.交通灯 5.by the No.12 bus 6.乘地铁 六、连词成句。(10 分) to Park How can get Zhongshan by can bus you No.15 go the the post do office go How to you train I go usually by ——————————————————— a, light red, at ,stop. 七、读一读,将句子排序连成对话。(10 分) ( ) How do you go to school? ( ) Usually I go to school on foot. ( ) I often go to school by bus. ( ) What about you? ( ) My home is near. 八、读一读,判断正误(10 分) There are four people in Mr Black ’s family . They ’re Mr Black , Mrs. Black , their daughter Amy and their son Sam . Amy has got a bike ,she goes to school by bike . Sam hasn ’t got a bike ,he goes to school by bus . Mr Black goes to work by car . Mrs. Black is a teacher , and the home is near the school . She goes to work on foot . ( ) 1


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