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Unit 3 Contemporary Style contemporary ???o belonging to the present timeo syn. modern style ???o the quality of being fashionable in theclothes that you wearo Short skirts are back in style.o fashiono vogueo fashion: a popular style of clothes,hair, etc. at a particular time or place;the state of being popularo style: the quality of being elegant andmade to a high standard 优雅格调;品位;风度 oFashions fade (褪色), style iseternal(永恒).oThe difference between style andfashion is quality(素质). oFashion can be bought. Styleone must possess(拥有).oOnly great minds can afford asimple style. So…oThe truly fashionable arebeyond fashion. Then there are many suggestions fromwell-known and unknown people:o If most of us are ashamed of shabby(褴褛的) clothes and shoddy(劣质的)furniture, let us be more ashamed ofshabby ideas and shoddy philosophies(哲学) It would be a sad situationif the wrapper were better than themeat wrapped inside it.~AlbertEinstein o People seldom notice old clothes ifyou wear a big smile. ~Lee Mildono Be careless in your dress if youwill, but keep a tidy soul.~Mark Twaino Beauty of style and harmony and graceand good rhythm depend on simplicity. o The expression a woman wears on her faceis more important than the clothes shewears on her back.o To be a fashionable woman is to knowyourself, know what you represent, andknow what works for you. To be infashion could be a disaster on 90percent of women. You are not a page outof Vogue. Text What is a “presentation”?o A prepared talk (given to a groupof people to introduce somethingor state an opinion)o Spoken language or writtenlanguage?o (Refer to P37 “Strategy”)o Read through the text and findout the sentences in spokenlanguage. (Meanwhile, do C) Here are the five objects Laurabrought along:Hat madeof beaverfurblouseBlondewigtrainers The viewpoint Laura wants to expressby showing each different object:objectwhy it is significant Laura s viewpoint’Fashion is importantto her.It was a waste oftime and money.A blouseIt is very expens


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