
哈里伯顿高温高压井和小井眼测井和射孔技术 Logging and Perforating.pdf

哈里伯顿高温高压井和小井眼测井和射孔技术 Logging and Perforating.pdf

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Halliburton Logging and Perforating Capabilities for High-Pressure, High-Temperature Wells and Slim Holes Halliburton Logging and Perforating Capabilities for High-Pressure, High-Temperature Wells and Slim Holes Halliburton Energy Services Houston Sales of Halliburton products and services will be in accord solely with the terms and conditions contained in the contract between Halliburton and the customer that is applicable to the sale. © 1995 by Halliburton Energy Services. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America Halliburton Energy Services Publication EL-1088 Contents INTRODUCTION 1 SECTION 1 Openhole Logging 3 The HEAT Suite Logging System 3 Cablehead Tension Load Cell 3 Hostile Telemetry Assembly (HETS) 4 Hostile Powered Decentralizer (HPDC) 4 Centralizers and Flex Joints 4 Hostile Four Arm Caliper (HECT) 4 Hostile Dual Induction (HDIL) 5 Hostile Full Wave Sonic (HFWS) 5 Hostile Spectral Density (HSDL) 5 Hostile Dual Spaced Neutron (HDSN) 5 Hostile Natural Gamma Ray (HNGR) 5 Hostile Dipmeter (HEDT) 6 Circumferential Acoustic Scanning Tool (CAST) 6





