王俊《商务英语函电》6. Packing Shipment.pptVIP

王俊《商务英语函电》6. Packing Shipment.ppt

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remaining adj. 剩余的,剩下的 The?remaining?15,000?pounds?will?be?paid?by?three?equal?installments? over?the?first?two?years. 剩余的一万五千镑将在前两年里分三批等额支付。 remainder n. 剩余部分;剩余物 The remainder of the stock will be sold off at half price. 剩余库存将以半价处理。 transship v. 转船,转运 亦作 tranship We request you to extend the period of shipment to October 10 so that we may transship the goods. 请将装运期展至十月十日以便我们可以转运。 transshipment n. 转船,转运 亦作 transhipment The machines are to be shipped in May, 2021 with transshipment at Vancouver. 这批机器将于二零二一年五月装运,在温哥华转船。 seal v. n. 密封;盖章;封条 She forgot to seal her letter before mailing it. 她忘记在寄信前将信封上。 Don’t use that jar of baby food if the seal is broken. 如果密封条破损,就不要食用那罐婴儿食品了。 duplicate n. 副本;复制品 adj. 完全相同的,重复的 v. 重复;复制 All original documents are to be forwarded to us by air mail and duplicate documents by mail. 全部单据的正本须用航邮,副本用平邮寄交我方。 As the market has now advanced, we regret that we can’t accept your duplicate order. 因行情已上涨,抱歉我们不能接受你方的重复订单。 We duplicated a few copies of the invoices and handed him the original. 我们复印了几份发票,把原件交给了他。 consignment n. 运送;运送的货物; 寄售;寄售的货物 All disputes arising in the course of consignment shall be settled through friendly negotiation. 所有运输途中的纠纷都将通过友好协商予以解决。 Each consignment must be free of live insects, bark and other quarantine risk material. 每一批货物不得带有活昆虫、树皮或其他检疫风险物。 consign v. 运送;寄售 consignor 发货人 consignee 收货人 The goods have been consigned to you by air. 货物已经空运给你方。 To consign the goods would mean certain risks on our part. 寄售这些货物意味着我们要承担一定的风险。 If the goods are to be delivered to the consignee without recourse on the consignor, the consignor shall sign the following statement. 如果以对发货人无追索权的方式将货物交予收货人,发货人应签署以下声明。 I. Translate the following expressions from English into Chinese: 1. in one lot 2. dispatch date 3. the soonest possible


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