王俊《商务英语函电》7. Insurance.pptVIP

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3. We enclose our ______________ Policy No. 819 in duplicate on the 50 M/Ts of Rice against All Risks. 4. Regarding insurance, the ______________ is for 110% of the invoice value up to the port of destination only. coverage Insurance 5. This insurance policy ______________ us against TPND on the above-mentioned goods. 6. If you desire us to ______________ against a special risk, an extra premium will have to be charged. covers insure III. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words of which the initial letters have been given: Dear Sirs, We wish to draw your a_________ to Order No. D64 for 5,000 dozen Men’s Shirts, which was placed on CFR basis. We now desire to have the shipment i_________ at your end and shall be pleased if you will arrange to c_________ the goods on our behalf a_________ All Risks for 110% of the i_________value with the i________company in China. We shall pay the p_________ back to you upon receipt of your debit note. It is sincerely hoped that our p_________ will meet with your approval. Yours faithfully, ttention nsured over gainst nvoice nsurance remium roposal IV. Translate the following sentences from English into Chinese: Please note that the premium varies with the extent of insurance. 请注意保险费随保险范围的不同而变化。 2. In the absence of definite instructions from our customers, we generally cover insurance FPA. 如果客户没有明确要求,通常我们投保平安险。 3. We wish to insure WPA and against Risk of Breakage on the goods to be shipped to London for 120% of the invoice value. 对运往伦敦的货物,我们希望按发票金额百分之一百二十投保水渍险和破碎险。 4. If you desire to cover more, we can arrange with the extra premium for your account. 如想投保范围更广险别,我们可以办理,额外保费由你方负担。 5. We can serve you with a broad range of coverage against all kinds of risks for sea transport. 我们可以承保海洋运输的所有险别。 6. We would like you to issue an open policy for US$6,500,000 to cover 5,000 sets of Compute


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