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AP拉丁语 2013年阅卷主审官报告 AP Latin 2013 Exam Grading Chief Report
Student Performance QA:
2013 AP® Latin Free-Response Questions
The following comments on the 2013 free-response questions for AP Latin were written by the Chief
Reader, Robert Cape of Austin College in Sherman, Texas. They give an overview of each free-
response question and of how students performed on the question, including typical student errors.
General comments regarding the skills and content that students frequently have the most problems
with are included. Some suggestions for improving student performance in these areas are also
provided. Teachers are encouraged to attend a College Board workshop to learn strategies for
improving student performance in specific areas.
Question 1
What was the intent of this question?
This question assessed students’ ability to translate as literally as possible a passage of Latin poetry
(Vergil, Aeneid , 2. 608-613).
How well did students perform on this question?
The mean score was 4.35 out of 15 possible points. The full range of scores was used, although most scores
clustered in the bottom range. Many students confused this passage with the scene of Neptune calming
the sea in Book 1.
What were common student errors or omissions?
Hic in lines 1 and 5 as this instead of here or in this place .
Compound verbs translated with only verb stems.
Eruo as rushes instead of digs out.
Portas as ports instead of gates.
Prima as the adverb primum or primo instead of an adjective describing Iuno .
Participles as participles (disiectas, avulso , mixto, undantem).
Many students got the whole passage wrong because they saw the words Neptunus , tridenti, and
undantem and wrongly assumed that the passage was from the storm scene in Book 1. As a result,
they wrote a paraphr
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