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语篇翻译模式 (Toward a Coherent Translation);何为“语篇”;“篇”与text;定义语篇;语篇结构——一个关系概念;传统语法与语篇语法;无形的线索,有形的点;点的寻找,线的相连;语篇线索:连贯;语篇解读的强制性假定:连贯;作为关系概念的连贯;连贯的经纬:聚焦文学翻译;文学翻译的原则;四大连贯构成语篇的关系网络;一、语法连贯;传统语法的视角;案例1;功能语法的视角;五种衔接关系;He took up a page from the pile of cut sheets (1). The model farm at Kinnereth on the lakeshore of Tiberias (2). ?Can become ideal winter sanatorium (3). Moses Montefiore (4). I thought he was (5). Farmhouse wall round it, blurred cattle cropping (6). ;案例2分析:原译衔接模式分析;改译;连贯与衔接;第六种衔接;以语态为例;案例语篇分析;案例3 page1;案例3 page2;案例3 page3;案例3 page4;I remember but little of the journey; I only know that the day seemed to me of a preternatural length, and that we appeared to travel over hundreds of miles of road. We passed through several towns, and in one, a very large one, the coach stopped; the horses were taken out, and the passengers alighted to dine. I was carried into an inn, where the guard wanted me to have some dinner; but, as I had no appetite, he left me in an immense room with a fireplace at each end, a chandelier pendant from the ceiling, and a little red gallery high up against the wall filled with musical instruments. Here I walked about for a long time, feeling very strange, and mortally apprehensive of someone coming in and kidnapping me; for I believed in kidnappers, their exploits having frequently figured in Bessie’s fireside chronicles. At last the guard returned: once more I was stowed away in the coach, my protector mounted his own seat, sounded his hollow horn, and away we rattled over the ‘stony street’ of L— (Charlotte Bront?, Jane Eyre. Chap. 5: 73-5);案例3分析 page1;段落 ;概念提示:投射;文学理论视野中的结构重复;文学理论视野中的结构重复;原文中八个带被动语态的小句:;原译摘要;既然福勒认为,“在叙述故事时,即便是少数几个句子用了被动语态,而不是主动语态,都有可能给人以异感,”既然汉语也有着发达的被动结构,那为什么我们在翻译中就非得要颠倒语序,变被动为主动呢?为什么原文读者所能体验到的“??感”就不能让译文的读者也来领略一下呢? ;改译;分析;二、语义连贯;作为建构语义关系的词汇衔接;词汇衔接的两个方面;莫里斯论词汇衔接的语义关系 ;词汇衔接的两种类型;词汇衔接的距离;韩礼德论远程衔接;(一)复现关系 ;1、重复性衔接:案例4;案例4:原译;分析;改译;案例5:Fire and Eyre;案例6:原文;案例6:原译;改译;2. 同义性衔接 ;案例7:原文;案例7:原文(续);案例7:原译之一;案例7:原译之二;等值策略:以变异对变异;


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