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英⽂情景对话 (背诵篇) E01 【餐厅】 What kind of food would you like to eat tonight? ▍核⼼句型 What kind of food ould you like to eat tonight? 你今晚想吃哪种菜? What ould you like to eat? 你想吃什么? ▍场景对话 A: What kind of food ould you like to eat tonight? 你今晚想吃哪种菜? B: I’m not sure. What do you suggest? 我不确定。你有什么建议? A: Have you tried the Thai restaurant in the shopping mall? 你去那家购物中⼼⾥的泰国餐厅吃过饭吗? B: Not yet. Thai food is good, but I prefer Western. Do you like Italian cuisine? 还没有。泰国菜不错,不过我更喜欢西餐。你喜欢意⼤利菜吗? A: Yes, I like Italian cuisine too. I kno a very good Italian restaurant not far from here. 嗯,我也喜欢意⼤利菜。我知道离这⼉不远有⼀家很棒的意⼤利餐厅。 B: Good. I’d love to taste it. 不错,我很想尝尝。 A: OK. Let’s go there! 好的,咱们去那⼉吧 ! ▍语⾔点 eat /i:t/ v. 吃 tonight /tə’naɪt/ adv. 今晚 shopping mall 购物中⼼ cuisine /k ɪ’zi:n/ n. 烹饪 ;菜肴 Italian cuisine 意⼤利菜 Sichuan cuisine 四川菜 Japanese cuisine ⽇本菜 E02 【 买⾐服】I’m looking for a jacket ▍核⼼句型 I’m looking for a j acket. 我想买⼀件夹克。 ▍场景对话 A: Are you looking for anything? 您想买什么吗? B: Yes.I’m looking for a j acket. 是的。我想买⼀件夹克。 A:OK.Any particular colour? 好的。您要什么颜⾊呢? B:I’m not sure,but I think bro n ould be best. 我不确定,棕⾊的最好吧。 A:OK.A bro n j acket. 好的。⼀件棕⾊的夹克。 ▍语⾔点 look for 寻找 j acket /dʒækɪt/ n. 夹克 anything /eni θɪŋ/ pron. ⼀切东西 ;所有东西 particular /pɚ’tɪkj əlɚ/ adj . 特殊的;特别的 E03 【餐厅】Can I book a table for two for thi evening, plea e? ▍核⼼句型 Can I book a table for t o for this evening, please? 我能预定⼀张今晚的双⼈桌吗? What time do you ant to have it? 你想预定⼏点的呢? ▍场景对话 A: Good afternoon. Barco Restaurant. 下午好,这⾥是巴科饭店。 B: Good afternoon. Can I book a table for t o for this evening, please? 下午好,我能预定⼀张今晚的双⼈桌吗? A: Of course. What time do you ant to have it? 当然可以,你想预定⼏点的呢? B: Six ould be fine. Is that OK? 最好是6点,可以吗? A: Yes. Can I have your name, please? 可以。请问您的名字是? B: George Bro n. 乔治 ·布朗。 A: OK, Mr Bro n. A table for t o at six pm is booked for you this evening. 好的,布朗先⽣,已为您预定⼀张今晚6点的双⼈桌。 B: Tha


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