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基于单片机的手机蓝牙防丢设计 学生:蹇蕴哲 指导教师:罗立 摘 要 在日常生活中时常有随身贵重物品丢失的情况,花费大量的时间和精力去 找丢失物品也让人十分苦恼;在日常外出的时候,行走在嘈杂的人群中,家中的 老人或小孩难免有走丢的情况发生。所以本文中就设计了基于单片机的手机蓝牙 防丢器来解决上述问题。 本设计的总体构成主要由 STC89C52RC 单片机、单片机最小系统电路、蓝牙 模块、声光报警电路组成。通过蓝牙模块 HC-05 进行串口通信,再由 89C52 单片 机对接收到的串口数据进行处理,当手机与蓝牙子板断开连接就由单片机控制声 光报警电路进行报警。 或当手机不知所踪时,只要手机与蓝牙子板还在连接状态中,也可通过蓝牙 防丢设备上的按钮进行对手机的反向查找,按下蓝牙主板上的按钮,手机就会发 出警报声并震动,这样就能成功实现手机的小范围内找回。蓝牙防丢设备主要由 单片机进行控制和蓝牙模块实现通信,突出并利用了蓝牙数据传输通信的实时性 和高效性,才得以使蓝牙防丢设备具备了强抗扰,低耗能,易携带的优点以及防 丢器最基本的要求:实用性和精准性。 关键词:STC89C52RC 单片机,手机蓝牙,防丢设备,无线通信 II Anti - loss design of mobile phone bluetooth based on MCU Abstract In daily life, people often lose their valuables. And in the daily out, walking in the noisy crowd, the family of the elderly or children will inevitably get lost. Therefore, this paper designs a mobile phone bluetooth anti-loss device based on single-chip microcomputer to solve the above problems. The overall composition of the design is mainly composed of STC89C52RC single-chip microcomputer, reset circuit, clock circuit, bluetooth module circuit, sound-light alarm circuit and power supply module. Hc-05 through the bluetooth module for serial communication, and then 89C52 MCU docking received serial data for processing, when the phone and the blue tooth sub-board disconnection by the MCU control sound-light alarm circuit for alarm. Or when the mobile phone is missing, as long as the mobile phone and the blue tooth board are still connected, you can also reverse search the mobile phone through the button on the bluetooth anti-loss device, press the button on the


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