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摘  要 随着科学技术的进步,我国养殖业现代化飞快发展。在养殖业技术的饲 养和管理中,从最开始的的人力控制,到目前的全新自动控制设备,基于嵌 入式设备的家畜自动喂养系统正在日益发展。目前我国家畜养殖数量在不断 增加,大部分家畜养殖仍然是人工管理模式。本文在对嵌入式研究的基础上 ,模拟了一种新型的自动喂养系统。 本系统利用嵌入式技术、传感器技术来构建其家畜自动喂养系统,实现 对家畜的自动喂养,根据预先设置摄食时常和摄食总重,当倒计时结束后, 通过传送带将饲料运输到饲料槽,当重量达到预定值后,系统发出喂食释放 信号吸引家畜,家畜进行摄食。其设计主要的研究工作就是其预设时间点和 载重量并放出摄食讯号。家畜自动喂养系统主要包括STM32F103RCT6控制 器、电源电路、传送带、称重传感器、按键电路、显示模块。本设备主要解 决的是大规模化的家畜喂养的效率问题,以及极大的减少了人工劳动力,并 且系统操作简单,运行稳定。 关键词:养殖业;自动喂养;嵌入式;STM32F103RCT6 I Abstract With the progress science and technology, the modernization of aquaculture in China is developing rapidly. In animal husbandry, from the initial manual control to modern automation equipment, embedded equipment is used, the livestock automatic feeding system is developing day by day. At present, the number of livestock in our country is increasing, Most of them are still operated by hand, this paper proposes an automatic livestock feeding system. The system uses embedded technology and sensor technology to build wireless sensor network to realize automatic feeding of livestock, that is, by setting feeding time point and feeding weight, arrive at, the food is transported to the feeding port through the conveyor belt, when the weight reaches the preset value, the system sends out feeding signal to attract the pet and feed automatically. This design mainly studies how to set time point and weight and send out feeding signal. Pet automatic feeder mainly includes STM32F103RCT6 controller, key circuit and display module. This design solves the problem that


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