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;Para1:;Before 人物 had the time to figure out what‘s going on, 人物 were already……. XX没有时间去搞明白这件事情,就已经… Puzzled and exhausted, 人物 exerted/tried very effort to …,only ending up hitting the wall./only to find that…… 困惑又很累我们竭尽全力去…,但是却终结于- That‘s when 人物come to the realization that人物 were faced with a big problem. 就是这个时候我们才意识到遇到大问题 Juding from his clenched first and furrowed eyebrows,人物could tell that 人物was caught with an overwhelming sense of distress 从他紧握的双拳和紧皱的眉头我们可以知道XXX现在正被一股强大的不安所吞没- Just as 人物wondered how to seek a way out, a brilliant idea flashed through my mind:(…) 正当我们在思考要如何解决问题的时候,我的脑海闪现了非常棒的主意:(找文章里找) To our relief, it didn‘t take 人物 too long to…让我们欣慰的是就是用不了多久就.. It was such a thrilling and inspiring experience that 人物would never forget. 升华结尾? ;She felt a sudden flush of anger.?她突然感到一阵愤怒。(a flush of anger/embarrassment/ excitement相当于 a sudden feeling of ... I felt tears well up in my eyes.?我感到泪水夺眶而出 Its been a hard few months, but were finally beginning to see the light at theend of the tunnel.?这几个月很艰难,但是我们终于见到曙光了。(黑暗尽头的光明,指经历长期磨难后终于看到希望)? At last doctors have seen the light!?医生们终于明白过来了!?(忽然理解,顿悟)? Finally, Mollys patience was rewarded.?莫莉的耐心终于有了回报。? What a funny day! Arthur couldnt stop laughing whenever he looked back on this frisky experience. 多么有趣的一天啊,每当亚瑟回想起这次欢乐的经历,他就忍不住笑个不停。 In the end, its not the years in your life that count. Its the life in your years. (最后,重要的不是你生命中的岁月,而是你如何度过这些岁月的。) ;第一种句型:from then on +行动 句式结构比较简单,也很容易仿写。算是一个入门级的升华句子 ;第二种句型:动作+感动+感悟;


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