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摘 要 互联网的竞争已经不再局限于技术层面的竞争,更重要的是商业模式的竞争。大部 分的互联网企业都是通过融资的手段来获得启动资金,但是并不是说谁的资金量越多越 好,每一个企业都应将可持续盈利为最终目标,因此谁拥有好的商业模式谁就会抢先一 步发展。如今,微博在社会产生的巨大影响力大家有目共睹,但是发展到现在微博还没 有一个比较清晰的商业模式,使得许多投资者对其失去耐心,这种状况对微博的发展很 不利,因此对微博的商业模式的研究具有重要的意义。 新浪微博是新浪推出的门户类微博服务,其也是国内最早推出该服务的门户类网站。 自2009 年 8 月推出以来其凭着成熟的推广策略迅速成为国内最大的社交媒体平台, 2011 年初,新浪微博初步完成其用户的积累,开始其商业模式的第二个阶段—商业布局, 并开始盈利模式的探索。本文通过对新浪商业模式的研究,意在对新浪微博的发展提供 建议,为媒体社会化尽一份微薄之力。 以新浪微博为研究对象,首先分析了微博的概念、特点、新浪微博的商业模式的体 系构成。其次从纵向和横向两个维度对新浪微博的商业模式进行分析,最后指出新浪微 博的不足点并提出改善的意见。 关键词:微博;商业模式;社会化媒体;对策 I ABSTRACT The competition of the Internet is no longer confined to the technology competition,more important is the business model competition.Most of the Internet companies are starting to get capital by means of financing,but not to say that the more amount of money who is better,every enterprise should be sustainable profit as the ultimate goal,so who has a good business model who will be the first step.Now,the huge influence of the micro-blog produce in society all obvious to people but to now,micro-blog has not been a clear business model,making many investors lose patience on this situation,the development of micro-blog is very unfavorable,so the research on the business model of micro-blog has important. Sina micro-blog is micro-blog service portal launched by Sina,which is also the first to launch the service portal site.Since its launch in August 2009 the Relying on mature promotion strategy quickly became the largest social media platform,at the beginning of 2011,Sina Weibo initially completed the user accumulation,started its business model in the


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