跨境电商英语 课件 人大 Unit7、8 线上营销策略、客户服务.pptx

跨境电商英语 课件 人大 Unit7、8 线上营销策略、客户服务.pptx

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跨境电商英语;模块三;Unit 7 线上营销策略;;Warm-up Question;Passage 1;prerequisite ;authenticity ;redundant ;ponder ;testament ;overhead ;premium ;catalyst ;captivating ; alternate ; deploy ;organic search result自然有哪些信誉好的足球投注网站结果 USP (Unique Selling Point) 独特卖点 top-notch最好的;卓越的;第一流的 FAQs(Frequently Asked Questions)常见问题解答 search engine optimization 有哪些信誉好的足球投注网站引擎优化 ;Professional Seller 专业卖家 Amazon lightning deals 秒杀 Deals Dashboard 交易版面 sponsored product ads产品推广广告 headline search ads标题有哪些信誉好的足球投注网站广告 product display ads产品展示广告 ;cost-per-click按点击数付费 DSP (Demand-side Platform) 需求方平台 affiliate marketing联盟营销 Amazon Associates亚马逊联盟营销;Passage 1;Understaning questions;1. Optimizing product pages;2. Take advantage of SEO;3. Strategizing reviews and ratings;4. Pricing competitively;5. Attractive deals;6. Advertising ;6. Advertising ;6. Advertising ;4. Pricing competitively;7. Affiliate marketing;Passage 1;Sentence 1;Sentence 2;Sentence 3;Sentence 4;Sentence 5;Sentence 6;Sentence 7;Passage 2;tweak ;plateau ;tactic ;renovate ; inroad ; placement ;surpass ;surpass ;ample ;alluring ;truncate ;harness ;tailor-made特制的;专门设置的;非常合适的 Promoted Pins推广图钉 content marketing内容营销 branch out朝新的方向拓展 mindshare 思维占有率; 指消费者对某一产品的意识 fine-tune对…微调 agreed upon同意商定的,一致同意的;Passage 2;Question;Ways to Increase Website Traffic ;2. Content marketing;2. Content marketing;2. Content marketing;2. Content marketing;Ways to Increase Website Traffic ;Ways to Increase Website Traffic ;Ways to Increase Website Traffic ;Passage 2;Sentence 1;Sentence 2;Sentence 3;Sentence 4;Sentence 5;Sentence 6;Sentence 7;Sentence 8;Sentence 9;Sentence 10;Thank you!;跨境电商英语;模块三;Unit 8 客户服务;;Warm-up Question;Passage 1;metaphorical ;seasoned ;bolster ;default ;proactive ;seamless ; bubbly ;pepper sth. with sth.--to include large numbers of sth. in sth. 大量加入 eg. He peppered his speech with jokes. 他在讲演中插入了许多笑话;/?p?v?t/ v. to turn or balance on a central point ; to make sth do this (使)在枢轴上旋转 eg. She pivoted around and walked


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