跨境电商英语 课件 Unit1、2 跨境电商发展概述、主要跨境电商平台介绍.pptx

跨境电商英语 课件 Unit1、2 跨境电商发展概述、主要跨境电商平台介绍.pptx

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跨境电商英语;模块一;Unit 1 跨境电商发展概述;;Warm-up Question;Passage 1;;;;;;;;;;;;Passage 1;Understaning questions;(1)What’s cross-border e-commerce?;;分属不同关境的交易主体,通过电子商务平台达成交易、进行支付结算,并通过跨境物流送达商品并完成交易的一种国际商业活动。;广义上,跨境电商基本等同于外贸电商。 foreign trade e-commerce;(2). What are the advantages and risks of cross-border e-commerce?;Sellers (both retailers and brands) expand their business seize the potential of different product ranges international expansion and revenue increase remain competitive. ;1. Peer competition risk Malicious price cutting Malicious peer review Malicious modification of listings;2. Logistics risk Loss of goods Goods defects Long transportation distance Loss of the trust of overseas customers;3. Fraud risks Charge-backs of fraudulent transactions Missed revenues from genuine orders blocked by fraud detection software The money spent on fraud protection in general ;4. Legal differences Being costly to deal with the authorities in a foreign country Strict fines in case online shops do not comply with local rules Strict regimes of consumer protection;5. Account risk Account suspension Forced closure ;(3). What are the differences between cross-border e-commerce and the traditional retail trade/foreign trade?;;适用规则差异;International Trade;;Passage 1;;;竞争对手有时会抓取新网站,寻找类似的漏洞,以损害新卖家的买卖。还有许多不同的消费者保护制度,其中,适用于B2C交易的合同前、合同中和合同后各个阶段的规则会有略有差别。;;;Passage 2;Passage 2;;;;;Passage 2;Set of Data Estimates suggest that, by 2027, the global cross-border B2C e-commerce market will reach no less than EUR 3.9 trillion. In 2015, China cross-border e-commerce business scale was 5.4 trillion yuan. From 2016 to 2018, the scale of cross-border e-commerce transactions increased from 6.3 trillion yuan to 9.1 trillion yuan. By the end of 2020, Chinas cross-border e-commerce transaction scale reached 12 trillion yuan. The past data show that the scale of cross-border e-commerce is increasing year by year. ;Understanding questions (1). Why is the cross-border e-commerce developing so q


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