
小学教学课件:英语 B4 U3 C Story time.pptx

小学教学课件:英语 B4 U3 C Story time.pptx

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PEP Book 4 Unit 3 WeatherPart C Story timeLaura Look and sayWhat’s the weather like in Ningbo today?Ningbo 24℃ Watch and thinkWhat’s the weather like in other places in China today? Talk in pairsIt’s ... in ... today.Different places, different weather. go to schoolgo swimminggo to Disneylandplay in the snow Read silently and find outAre Zoom and Zip OK in the story?(默读并思考) Listen and answerWhere are they now?What’s the weather like there? Look and findWhat’s the matter with Zip?(Zip怎么了?) What will Zoom say?I’ll go to Dalian to see you. Think and discussBefore he goes to Dalian, what will Zoom do?(Zoom 出发前会做些什么呢?) Listen and chooseWhat about the weather in Dalian tomorrow(明天)? A. coldC. warmE. We don’t know. B. hot D. coolWhat does Zoom think? (Zoom 认为大连明天的天气如何呢?) Oh, it’ll be warm tomorrow in Dalian. Watch and chooseHow does Zoom feel in Dalian? A.happy B. terrible C. puzzled(疑惑的) D. ABC Good to know Oh, Zip, my good friend. I miss you so much! The weather report says its warm in Dalian. Why is it so cold here? Brr~ Its so cold here. I feel so terrible!How does Zoom feel in Dalian? Listen and check AB22oC8oCLet’s find outDaliDalianAssessment: Choose correctly ( ) Watch and tickHow does Zoom feel in Dalian? A.happy B. terrible C. puzzled(疑惑的) D. ABC Assessment: Choose correctly ( ) Act in rolesSpeak fluently. 表达流利Act vividly. 表情生动Act creatively. 表演创新Oh, Zip, my good friend. I miss you so much! ... happy The weather report says its warm in Dalian. Why is it so cold here? ...puzzled Brr~ Its so cold here. I feel so terrible! ...terrible...Zoom和Zip见面会说些什么?做些什么? Let’s enjoy Choose and writeDalian terrible cold happy warm puzzledAssessment: Choose correctly. 选择正确(??) Write correctly. 书写正确 (??)Write beautifully. 书写美观 (??)?Dalianwarmcoldpuzzledterriblehappy(选一选,写一写,试着帮Zoom完成他的日记) Think and discuss Do you like Zoom? Why or why not? (kind, sweet, funny, careless, si


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