ASME BPVC VIII.1-2021 压力容器建造规则 B分卷(中英文对照编译).pdf

ASME BPVC VIII.1-2021 压力容器建造规则 B分卷(中英文对照编译).pdf

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SUBSECTION B REQUIREMENTS PERTAINING TO METHODS OF FABRICATION OF PRESSURE VESSELS B 分卷与压力容器制造方法有关的要求 PART UW REQUIREMENTS FOR PRESSURE VESSELS FABRICATED BY WELDING UW 篇焊制压力容器的要求 GENERAL通则 UW-1 SCOPE 适用范围 The rules in Part UW are applicable to pressure vessels and vessel parts that are fabricated by welding and shall be used in conjunction with the general requirements in Subsection A, and with the specific requirements in Subsection C that pertain to the class of material used. UW 篇中之各条款适用于焊制压力容器和容器零部件,本篇应与 A 分卷的通则和 C 分卷对所用材料类别之 具体要求结合并用。 UW-2 SERVICE RESTRICTIONS 使用限制 (a) When vessels are to contain lethal42 substances, either liquid or gaseous, all butt-welded joints shall be fully radiographed in accordance with UW-51, except for butt welds subject to the provisions of (2) and (3) below and UW-11(a)(4), and butt welds in stiffening rings designed under the rules of UG-29. ERW pipe or tube is not permitted to be used as a shell or nozzle in lethal service applications. When fabricated of carbon or low alloy steel, such vessels shall be postweld heat treated in accordance with Tables UCS- 56-1 through UCS-56-11, unless otherwise exempted by Table UCS-56-1, General Note (b)(3). When a vessel is to contain fluids of such a nature that a very small amount mixed or unmixed with air is dangerous to life when inhaled, it shall be the responsibility of the user and/or his designated agent to determine if it is lethal. If determined as lethal, the user and/or his designated agent [see U-2(a)] shall so advise the designer and/or Manufacturer. It shall be the responsibility of the Manufacturer to comply with the applicable Code provisions (see UCI-2 and UCD-2). 当容器用于储存致命物质 (无论是液态还是气态)时,所有对接焊缝都应按照 UW-51 进行 100%的射线检测,但符合下文 (2) 和 (3)、UW-11(a)(4)之对接焊缝和根据 UG-29 规则所设计之补强环中之对接焊缝除外。不 允许将 ERW 钢管或管子用作致命工况应用中的壳体或接管。当用碳钢或低合金钢来制造容器时,此类容器应根据表 UCS- 56-1 至 UCS-56-11 的规


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