ASME BPVC VIII.1-2021 压力容器建造规则 UG分卷(中英文对照编译).pdf

ASME BPVC VIII.1-2021 压力容器建造规则 UG分卷(中英文对照编译).pdf

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INTRODUCTION引言 U-1. SCOPE 适用范围 (a) See below. 详见以下内容 (1) The Foreword provides the basis for the rules described in this Division. 前言部分是本卷所述规则的基础。 (2) For the scope of this Division, pressure vessels are containers for the containment of pressure, either internal or external. This pressure may be obtained from an external source, or by the application of heat from a direct or indirect source, or any combination thereof. 根据本卷适用范围 ,压力容器是指承受内压或外压之容器。压力可能来至于外部直接压力,或由于直接 或间接加热所引起之压力,或以上之任意组合。 (3) This Division contains mandatory requirements, specific prohibitions, and nonmandatory guidance for pressure vessel materials, design, fabrication, examination, inspection, testing, certification, and pressure relief. The Code does not address all aspects of these activities, and those aspects which are not specifically addressed should not be considered prohibited. Engineering judgment must be consistent with the philosophy of this Division, and such judgments must never be used to overrule mandatory requirements or specific prohibitions of this Division. 本卷包括对压力容器材料、设计、制造、检验、检测、试验、认证、压力泄放的强制 要求、特定禁制和非强制指引。本规范没有涉及这些活动的所有方面,那些没有具体涉及的方面不应被视为是禁制。工程 判断必须与本卷的基本原理相一致,且工程判断不能违反本卷的强制性要求,或被禁制的具体要求。 (b) This Division is divided into three Subsections, Mandatory Appendices, and Nonmandatory Appendices. Subsection A consists of Part UG, covering the general requirements applicable to all pressure vessels. Subsection B covers specific requirements that are applicable to the various methods used in the fabrication of pressure vessels. It consists of Parts UW, UF, and UB dealing with welded, forged, and brazed methods, respectively. Subsection C covers specific requirements applicable to the several classes of materials used in pressure vessel construction. It consists of Parts UCS, UNF, UHA, UCI, UCL, UCD, UHT, ULW, ULT, and Part UIG dealing with


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