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Executive summary (1 or 5) 回 ………and 圄 c。nsum…ce 五三 c。nsumer spending • Over 40 pe「cent of consumers reported an average of 16 percent • Most consumers selected debit card, c『edit card, and cash as their top increase in household income and 21 percent reported an average of 31 three most frequently used payment methods; 43 percent of consumers percent decrease in household income. 79 percent of respondents chose debit card as their number one most frequently used payment reported that their household income remained the same or increased. method. • In 2023, consumers expect to spend more on essential categories such • Approximately 45 percent of consumers use their phones to make in­ as groceries, automotive-related spend, personal care products, and person purchases at least some of the time. prescription medications. • Almost 50 percent of credit card users pay their entire c『edit card balance - Consumers anticipate a 15 percent increase in grocery spend and an every month; most buy-now-pay-later users (57 percent) use this option 11 percent increase in automotive spending. for less than 10 pe「cent of thei「 purchases. - Expectations regarding spend increases in both grocery and • Most consumers (79 percent) keep their money in traditional bank automotive are predominantly driven by the price increases observed accounts; consu



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