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2023年对口单独招生统一考试 英语试卷 (满分120分,考试时间90分钟). 一、选择题:(本题共20小题,每小题3分,共60分) 1. The rescue party four days later when no traces of the missing hikers could be found. A. gave up their hopes B. put away their hopes C. cherished hope D. gave up hope 2. - Dick certainly has a bad cough. If he s sensible he will give up . A. the smoking B. smoking C. to smoke D. to be smoking 3. - Nancy sat in the front seat on the left side of the room. --Oh? I thought she _ in the back. A. sat B. had sat C. is sitting D. has sitting 4. Could you tell me ___ ___ ? A. where he lives B. where does he live C. where did he live D. where lived 5. - When will the plane arrive? I will tell you when . A. I have been finding out B. I find out C. I am finding out D. I will find out 6. We are considering buying a house in Gainesville but we want to find out there first. A. what the taxes are B. what are the taxes C. the taxes what are D. the taxes are 7. Everyone is responsible for own composition. A. his B. their C. nobodys D. all their 8. Martin visited his aunt two days before he town. A. left B. will leave C. had left D. is going to leave 9. I will try to finish this work A. up t i 11 you can come B. before you can come C. up to the time you are able to come D. until you come 10. - What did Mr Jones do before he retired? He a city bus for over twenty-five years. A. is driving B. drove C. has driven D. drives 11. - Excuse me I am looking for a copy machine.( ) Go upstairs and it


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