Internship Agreement 实习协议书[公司与实习生签的].doc

Internship Agreement 实习协议书[公司与实习生签的].doc

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Internship Agreement /实习协议书 Private Confidential /必威体育官网网址 Date/日期: Name/姓名: Address/地址: Dear致: On behalf of Company Limited (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”), we would like to provide the opportunity for you to take internship in Guangzhou. Below please find the key terms and conditions of this internship: 我们谨代表有限公司(以下简称“公司”)向您发出本协议书以同意您在**进行一定期限的实习。本协议书的主要条款和条件如下: 1. Internship Department实习部门 You will take internship as Regional Marketing Intern -Guangzhou at the Company during the Internship Term.您将于实习期限内在公司作为市场部实习生 -南区。 2. Internship Term实习期限 From开始时间:05-8月-2013 To结束时间:04-2月-2014 3. Payment实习报酬 12.00RMB per hour (before tax)每小时人民币 12.00元(税前) The Company shall pay the internship remuneration on a monthly basis, but the intern must submit a time record sheet regularly in the format as required by company. Company shall deduct and withhold the personal income tax payable for the internship remuneration of the intern in accordance with the applicable tax regulations of the Peoples Republic of China. 公司将按月支付实习报酬,但您须按公司指定的格式定时提交工作时间记录表。公司将根 据中国有关税务规定代扣代缴您就实习报酬所应支付的相关个人所得税。 4. Representations and Warranties陈述与保证 (1) You agree to comply with the rules and regulations of the Company (if applicable) during the Internship Term, and make every effort to complete the internship tasks as arranged by the Company. 您同意在实习期限内,将遵守公司各项规章制度(如适用),并力所能及地完成公司 安排的实习任务。 (2) You shall be responsible for all the consequences of any illness or accidental injury during the Internship Term. Unless the illness or accidental injury is caused by the Company, the Company does not need to assume any liability. 您应自行负责其在实习期限内患病或发生意外伤害的一切后果。除非该病患或意外伤害由公司方面原因造成,否则公司无需承担任何责任。 5. Intellectual Property知识产权 As an important part of your internship with the Company is the creation of ideas, concepts and similar intellectual property, you understand and agree that all such ideas, concepts and other intellectual property created by you are the property of the Company if created by you


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