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摘 要 随着居民收入水平提高、休假时间的增多,旅游市场呈现出如火如荼的发展 势头。作为旅游六大要素中的“住”,住宿也随之呈现蒸蒸日上的发展态势。较 之于八九十年代,进入新世纪的顾客消费能力更强,消赛需求更加个性化。基于 这样的大背景,民宿,这个不拘泥于提供标准化定制化服务的住宿业态,开始在 市场上受到特定人群的关注和追捧。由于现在民宿多是个性化风格,也对其设计 性提出了更高的要求。由于度假旅游着选择民宿的动机,使得民宿设计者在更功 能性、人性化和观赏性的追求上有着更高的标准。本文以个性化民宿室内家具的 应用为研究方向,针对前人针对民宿及家具的相关研究进行阐述,对个性化民宿 室内家具的应用所具备的背景进行分析,并且针对民宿以及民宿中家具的作用 行研究,最后结合实际案例对民宿中的家具进行应用设计,希望本文的研究可以 加深自己对于民宿家具的理解和应用能力。 关键词:家具;民宿;个性化 I Introduction to design personalized home stay indoor furniture Abstract Todays society is in a booming development of tourism, tourism home stay facility contrary to other hotels, it has close contact with nature, this is the most prominent feature of it, is also its unique charm. Because now the home stay facility is more personalized style, but also puts forward higher requirements on its design. Due to a holiday for the choice of home stay facility motivation, makes the home stay facility designers in the pursuit of more functionality, human nature and the view on a higher standard. Successful design is not just a home stay facility in different regional and cultural, also need more functional needs, the design is novel, what is more important. So from that point on, the more personalized and more cosmopolitan. And a good orientation and cultural taste and personalized design, this is the success of a home stay facility. This paper mainly introduces the personalized home stay indoor furniture design, hope this research can provide certain help for Chinese interior design. Keywords :Furniture; A home stay facility. personalized II 目 录 1 绪论 1 1.1 综述


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