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核磁共振仪的使用 核磁共振波谱法测量氢谱 1(样品的准备 被测物质应为纯净物,并且能够完全溶解在所选氘代溶剂中,浓度大于10%,体积为0.5mL,用注射器加入到干净、无裂痕的标准核磁管中,待测。 2(Varian300MHz核磁共振波谱仪的操作程序 (1)打开数据转换器、工作站电源,使其处于稳定状态。启动空气压缩机,打开过滤器,保证有一定压力的干净、干燥气体进入磁体,其目的在于产生空气浮力以保证样品管处于悬浮状态,同时能够使样品管匀速旋转。 (2)调谐,其目的在于调整磁场使之与所测的原子核频率匹配。 (3)设定实验参数。实验参数包括实验类型(氢谱、碳谱等)、溶剂种类、扫场次数、谱宽等。将样品管插入转子中,符合量规的测量长度;打开气路,将转子置于气路中;关闭气路,转子携带样品管沉入磁体中,此时样品管已进入到探头的检测区域。根据需要使样品管处于旋转(20Hz)或静止状态。 (4)调节探头的发射功率、接受功率、相位等参数,以溶剂中的氘原子的核磁信号锁定磁场,称为“锁场”。 (5)调节z方向的参数,使锁定的磁场范围强度均匀,称为“匀场”。 (6)启动采集数据程序,进入实验的测试过程。 (7)数据处理,包括相位校正、基线直流校正,得到谱图,然后根据溶剂的峰位给定标尺,给定积分值,确定氢的个数,标峰位,打印谱图。 (8)弹出转子,取下样品管,退出实验程序,关闭空气压缩机。洗净核磁管。 数据处理 根据谱图提供的化学位移,分裂峰的个数,积分值及耦合常数,解析样品的结构。 steel bolts, screws and studs GB/T3098.6-2000 scope of this project are: 1, 2, 3 aluminium sheet curtain wall of glass curtain wall and the Aluminum plastic Board curtain wall 4, and stone curtain wall 5, and curtain wall buried pieces 6, and light steel points type glass rain canopy, and aluminum Board rain canopy 7, and aluminum Venetian 8, and outdoor advertising (containing roofing and the State surface advertising) 9 to spring glass door 10, and concrete structure and curtain wall between of layer between, and around fire seal blocking 11, and anti-mine 12, and daughter wall top processing 13, and pan light ming, engineering of tie construction 14, and buildings of deformation sewing (settlement sewing, and expansion joints,) 15, and After the detailed design drawings issued a wall embedded part is inconsistent with the tenderer needs to increase fixed curtain wall structure 16, decorative surfaces and decorative surface and joints between parts of other buildings facing sealing process, required to support the outer decoration of a hole, hole, plugging holes and so on. This works more decorative items, in order to ensure that the decoration construction progress and quality, trying to avoid construction does not ... Processing. After installation is complete if you have damaged galvanized parts should 核磁共振谱仪的一般操作 上一篇 /


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