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珠海格力电器财务分析与研究 摘 要 近年来,随着家电行业的快速发展,很多国有控股型的家电企业在国际竞 争中越来越重要。在我国进入全球经济化的进程中,我国家电行业在世界市场 中面对激烈的竞争,承受着巨大的压力。因此我国的家电行业想要在全球市场 占有一席之地,就要对上市公司的财务情况进行细致的分析,从分析的结果可 以知道公司近几年来的发展状况,才能为公司今后的战略部署提供相应策略。 本文对众多家电企业中的领跑者—— 格力电器的财务状况进行研究和探讨。本文先对格力电器的基本概况做一个简 单介绍,接着对格力电器有关财务方面的资产负债表、利润表和现金流量表等 进行深入研究,依据研究出来的结果找出影响企业财务的各种因素。接着将格 力电器与美的集团进行对比财务分析,得出格力电器在经营管理中的优劣势; 最后总结出分析对比后的结果,找出存在于企业内部的问题并提出改正的建议 。格力电器作为行业领军企业,其自身有诸多可以借鉴参考的成功经验,但在 发展转型中也存在一些问题。本文希望通过对格力电器这类成熟企业在转型中 遇到的问题加以分析讨论,能够对同样面临相同情况的企业起到一定帮助。 关键词:财务报表;格力电器;家电行业 I ABSTRACT In recent years, with the rapid development of the home appliance industry, many state-owned enterprises are becoming more and more important in the international competition.In the process of Chinas entry into the global economy, Chinas household appliances industry is facing fierce competition in the world market and under great pressure.Therefore, in order to improve the operating efficiency of Chinas household appliances industry, the financial status of listed companies can be analyzed to understand the development of the company and provide strategies for the future development of enterprises.This paper conducts financial analysis and research on gree electric appliances, a representative enterprise in Chinas home appliance industry.This paper first introduces the general situation of gree electric appliances;Then it analyzes the items in the balance sheet, income statement and cash flow statement of gree electric appliances, and finds out the factors affecting its financial capability according to the anal


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