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CONNECT WITH US @ 咐g州dα日siα 。 。rldBαnkM @W 。 @WB_ 。 Wυ/bit.I日/WB川sMY KNOWLEDGE RESEARCH I MAY 2023 . THE MALAY S 山DE\fEL_ OFME毗 EXPERiEN�l:�1:ri田 | Shαping First Steps A Comprehensive Review of Preschool Education in Malaysia v 。 R 』 自 u n 队 N K G v n U nvH D h 阳 协 叫 乱 归 耻 仰 刷 ’ 川l - 川 ω M 帽 L 阳 师 ” EDυCATION GLOBAL PRACTICE 。2023 Internαtional Bank for Rec。nstructi。n αnd Development J The w。rid Bank 1818 H Street NW Washington DC 20433 Teleph。ne: 202-473-1000 Internet: This w。rk is a product of the staff 。f The w。rid Bank with external c。ntributi。ns. The findings, interpretations, and conclusi。ns expressed in this work do not necessarily reflect the views of The World Bank, its Board of Executive Direct。归, or the governments they represent The World Bank does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, 。r cυrrency of the data included in this work and d。es not assume responsibility f。r any err。rs, 。missi。ns, or discrepancies in the information, 。r liability with respect to the use 。f 。r failure to use the informati。n, meth。ds, processes, or conclusions set forth. The boundaries, colors, denominations, and 。ther informati。n shown 。n any map in this work do n。t imply any judgment on the part of The World Bank c。ncerning the legal status of any territory or the endorsement or acceptance of such b。undaries. Nothing herein shall c。nstitute or be construed 。r considered to be a limitat1。n up。n or waiver of the privileges and immunities of The World Bank, all of which are specifically reservedφ Rights αnd Permissi。m The material in this w。rk is subject t。 copyright. Because The World Bank enc。urages dissemir旧ti。n of its kn。wledge, this work may be 陀produced, in whole 。r in part, for n。ncommercial purposes as long as full attr


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中学高级教师 从事一线教育教研15年多

