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Now I am taller,taller than before. Every day I grow bigger. Every day I grow more. Once I was a young boy, younger than I am today. Now I am a big boy,and Im bigger every day. For school I got up early, earlier than before. Every day I get up early, sometimes at four! Once I didnt talk a lot. I wasnt an active boy, But now I talk more than before. I always talk with joy!; Before; ;What does he do?;; Bills _______ ;1.□ Bill liked candy. 2.□Bill is taller than before. 3.□Bill will wear a red hat to work. 4. □Bill likes to read storybooks. 5. □Bill was smaller before. 6. □Bill will be thinner than he is now. ;Bill was… before .;Bill is… now .; In the future; I will be stronger than now. I will drive ___ ___ ___ and _____a yellow hat to work. I hope I will be a _________ in the future. ; By Bill Hello!Im Bill. When I was five years old, I liked candy very much. I liked playing basketball. But I didnt like skipping rope. I am twelve years old now. I like listening to music and reading storybooks. But I cant swim. I will be stronger than now. I am going to drive a car and wear a yellow hat to work. I hope I will be a businessman in the future. ; 时光飞逝,Tom的小学生活马上就要结束了,假设你是Tom,你会怎样介绍自己的变化呢?你的梦想是什么呢?至少50词。 参考句型: Before , I was... I had... I liked ... I didnt like... Now, I am... I have... I like... I don‘t like... In the future, I will/am going to...;Homework; ;板书设计; When I was five years old. I was short and fat. I had short hair. I wore blue pants. I liked toy cars and candy. But I didn’t like running and jumping.; Before,I was_____. I was a_____boy. I ____ ___ late. I was _____. Now I am _____ than ____.I am a ____ _____.I _____ ___ early.I am ______. ;I am tall.;Bill was… before. He had… He liked…. He couldnt….;Bill is…now. He has… . He wears… . He likes… . He can‘t… .;Bill will be…in the future. H


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