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译林版五年级英语听课记录 1.Show two different types of birthday cards: paper card and a picture of the e-card   2.Q: what s these? By posting paper card or e-card? Why?   Q: How do we send them?   Brainstorming: Please say out central words ( adj. ) to support the idea   e-card: convenient, free of charge, cheap, fashionable, interesting, attractive, environmental,friendly, time-saving,fast, etc.   Conclusion: we choose to send e-cards.   3.Develop phrases and simple sentences out of the central words ( adj. )   A.Learn the example of how to develop the phrases and simple sentences out of the central word “fast”.   Q: what should we do when we send e-cards?   How much time does we spend in sending them?   How long will our friends receive them?   E.g. It is fast to send e-cards because…   a: sit before the computer   b: move out fingers on the keyboard   c: and click the mouse to send e-cards   d: spend several seconds or several minutes at most in sending e-cards   We can sit before the computer, move our fingers on the keyboard and click the mouse to send e-cards. Our friends will receive it immediately or in a few minutes.   B. Have a group discussion to develop phrases and simple sentences by answering some questions given.   4.Improve the sentences in a variety of sentence patterns   a.Learn the example of how to make the sentences in a different sentence patterns.   b.Have a group discussion to make as many sentence patterns as they can.   5.Conclusion:   Read the topic carefully --- central words--- phrases or simple sentences --- sentences in different patterns   Get a cl ear idea of what the purpose in today’s lesson and what the steps of having a good writing, especially focus on using various sentence patterns.   6.Assignment: Complete the writing task.   课堂随评一.教学基本功状况   教师仪表端庄,操作规范,口语流利。   二.教学目的与要求   教学目标明确,要求恰当,从教学内容及学生实际情况出发教学,符合学生年龄实际和认识规律,难易适度。   三.教学内容的组织   内容安排恰当,课堂结构优化,重点突出,巧妙突破难点,课堂容量适度。教学思路设计符合教学内容实际,符合学生实际。教学手段始终围绕目的要求进行教学,紧密地围绕教学目标,为实现目标服务。   四.教学方法   能


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