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摘 要 二十一世纪,计算机技术正朝着一体化和网络化的方向发展。传统的单一计算 机应用软件正逐步退出,取而代之的是新一代的综合性的网络性应用软件,实现数 据的互通和远程管理,形成信息化社会。信息社会的形成和微电子技术的迅猛发展, 对落后、低效的办公方式提出了挑战。信息也是管理的对象,必须加以管理和控制。 学生选课系统是将信息技术应用于学生选课信息的管理。随着高校教学制度的改革, 学分制和选课制逐渐成为各高校的主要制度。而学生的选课工作也显得更加的重要, 学生选课系统的设计和开发工作也势在必行。 本系统是一套基于 java 平台的学生选课信息管理系统。该系统采 JSP 作为 编程语言。使 B/S 模式的系统架构,数据库使 MySQL 建立数据间的转换。本文 主要介绍了项目的开发背景、模块设计和后期测试。重点阐述了系统主要发展现状、 整体的设计思路、主要技术和解决方案。 关键词:学生选课,B/S 架构,JSP 1 Abstract In twenty-first Century, computer technology is developing towards integration and networking. The traditional single computer application software is gradually withdrawing, which is replaced by a new generation of comprehensive network application software to realize the interworking and remote management of data, and form an information society. The formation of information society and the rapid development of microelectronic technology pose a challenge to backward and inefficient office work. Information is also the object of management, which must be managed and controlled. Student selection system is the application of information technology to the management of student selection information. With the reform of the teaching system in Colleges and universities, the credit system and the elective system have gradually become the major institutions of higher learning. Students elective work is also more important. The design and development of student selection system is imperative. This system is a student selection information management system based on Java platform. The system uses JSP as a programming language. Use B/S mode of system architecture, databa


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