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OK, why dont we just take them? You wanna make them trust us? And in the meantime? We play along. How are you guys feeling? I didnt eat that much.I feel fine. -psychosomatic.-Oh, is that right, Professor Science? Is that your expert opinion? Yes it is. Well I can tell you, when they up the dosage, Youre back early. Janevs kind of a closed society. Well better that than hostile, I suppose. Colonel Sheppards team. Three hours overdue. It wouldnt be the first time. Any radio contact? None since they left. Well, you know those guys. What do I know about those guys? and sometimes they dont check in. They forget how much you worry. We worry. -Collectively,I mean.-Yes we do. Yeah, we do. OK guys,looks like were heading back out. Thank you Major. Youre welcome. None of you are feeling that? I know. Just be patient. Historically, that hasnt been a strength for me. I know! Sheppard, Teyla! Sheppard, Teyla! Why? Were running an op Time you might wanna see the men in action. Sure! Wherever you need us. Just give us some weapons and. Nice try. No, youre gonna hang back and watch with Kanayo. Dont worry, you wont be in any danger. Thats a load off my mind. Good. What about us? Hows that sound? Oh, it sounds delightful. Cant think of a better way of spending the afternoon. Move! Looks like hes asking you to go. Are those guards Genii? Yes. What exactly are we doing here? The Genii have spies all over the galaxy. tablished safehouses. Thats useful. How did you find them in the first place? I was a Genii spy. If youre one of them, why dont you just walk in there. I can see how they would. We rely on raids now. Why? What more do you guys want? We dont have all the pieces we need for the Lts plan. Right. And which plan would that be, again? All will be revealed when the time is right. Well, good. I hate for things to be revealed too early. How are you powering these Genii computers? We stole a Talnoran generator.


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