译林版(三起)英语五年级上册Unit 1 Goldilock and the three bears Story time课件.pptx

译林版(三起)英语五年级上册Unit 1 Goldilock and the three bears Story time课件.pptx

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译林牛津·五年级上册Unit 1 Goldilocks and the three bearsStory time Look and sayhotcoldWhat’s the matter with…? hungrytiredthirsty What’s the matter with…?害怕的afraidLet’s learn Touch this, how is it?柔软的 Touch this, how is it?Is it soft?硬的No, it isn’t. it’s hard. 小组合作,利用手边的物品,进行接龙活动。S1: Touch this rubber, please.S2: It’s soft. Touch this pencil, please.S3: It’s hard. Touch this bottle, please.… Let’s touch Let’s learn Where is …?在……旁边He is beside the dog. Where is…?房子The house is between the trees.在……中间 在……前面It’s in front of the house.Where is…? __________________________________________________________________afraidhardsoftbesidebetweenin front ofLook and fill in the blanks. Look and describeLook, what color is her hair?It’s golden. It’s blonde. She’s a girl and she has golden hair. So her name is Goldilocks. Say hello to Goldilocks.Let’s describe金发姑娘 What can you see in the picture?A house.Goldilocks.Trees. Where can you see many trees?Where is Goldilocks?In the park?In the forest?森林 There is a girl in the forest.What’s in the forest? There is a house in the forest.There are trees in the forest.(与be连用)有 In a room.Look, where is Goldilocks now?房间 What’s in the room?汤Three bowls of soup. Whose house is it? What’s in the house? What will happen to Goldilocks in this house? Story time Let’s watch 123456Look and order 仔细阅读课文,回答问题。1. Where is Goldilocks?In a forest.2. How is the house?It’s beautiful.What a beautiful house!What引导的感叹句的句型结构:What + a/an+形容词+可数名词单数(+主语+谓语)!What +形容词+可数名词复数/不可数名词(+主语+谓语)!多么漂亮的一栋房子啊!Read and answer 1. What’s the matter with Goldilocks?2. What’s on the table?There is some soup on the table.3. Does the soup taste the same?No, it doesn’t. She is hungry and thirsty. This soup is too cold.This soup is too hot.This soup is just right.How is the soup?这碗汤太冷了。这碗汤太烫了。这碗汤正好。正合适;正好 1. How is Goldilocks now? A. Hungry. B. Thirsty. C. Tired.2. What’s in the room? A. Three bowls of soup. B. Three beds. C. Three chairs.Read and choose Goldilocks wa


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